Chapter 4

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Spring, 1894. London.

Benedict Hawkins had awakened in Kitty feelings that she didn't know what to do with. Raised alongside cousins who were like brothers to her, Kitty did not understand why she craved Ben's company to such a degree. Why she thought of him even when she had no reason to. Why she wanted to be touched by him and smell his cologne.

No other man had smelled like him before. In her world, the choices were clean linen or filth, but he transcended all that. He'd claimed not to be above her, and yet, to her, he seemed unreachable.

"I know that look," said Ruth from her mirror, smiling at her cousin's reflection.

Kitty had settled with a penny dreadful in the window nook of the bedroom they shared.

"You're thinking about something other than what you're reading," Ruth elaborated.

Kitty lowered her magazine. Ruth turned to face her.

"You're right," Kitty said, oddly composed. "I'm thinking about Hannah."

Ruth frowned, her disappointment evident. "Why Hannah, of all people?"

"I think she's hiding something."

Ruth resumed her beautification business at the dressing table. "Oh, I'm sure Hannah is hiding many things."

"Something about Rebecca," Kitty added, unbidden.

Ruth paused powdering her face. "What makes you say that?"

Kitty shrugged. "Nothing in particular. Just a feeling I have."

"Well, if you want to talk about feelings, why don't you tell me about your feeling for handsome Mr Hawkins?"


Hannah might as well have joined the Special Branch herself, given how often Tobias reported back to her. No one from the actual Special Branch had reprimanded him for it yet, but he was sure they knew something. His sister surmised as much.

"One of these days," Hannah said, "they'll be arresting me for consorting with anarchists."

"Nonsense." Tobias downed his coffee and wiped his mouth. "If anyone asks, you're my informant. How do you think Melville foiled the Walsall plot?"

Hannah rolled her eyes. "By smoking with his sister and drinking her coffee for free?"

"Now that was uncalled for," Tobias argued, feigning offence. "I have offered to pay you. You never take my money."

Hannah stood up and stacked the remnants of her brother's breakfast onto a tray. "Speaking of free coffee. Are you coming to Ezra's soirée tonight?"

Tobias grunted. "Celia insists that we should go, and I have yet to find an excuse. You?"

Hannah hefted the tray in one arm. "Percy wants to get to know this Hawkins character better and, frankly, so do I. Rumour has it that Kitty is rather smitten with him."

"Is she now? I'll see what I can find on him at the Yard."

Hannah laughed. "Making sure he's not an anarchist?"

"He made his fortune in America, didn't he? I don't reckon he's a royalist."

"Kitty's no fool."

"Neither was Rebecca."


Despite Kitty's long-standing desire to experience the thrills of London society, she found herself coming up short when faced with the real thing, on more than one occasion. For starters, her dancing skills were not to be envied, even though she'd practised all winter at Hawkins Hall, with a dance master.

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