Chapter 10

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Ben swooned from the enormity of his realisation. The smell of gas stung his nostrils, faint but persistent.

"Now that you mention it," Sarah said, sniffing the air, "I do smell gas. It's a bit too strong, innit? Do you reckon they've got a leak?"

"I must find Kitty." Ben leapt to his feet. "Constable, blow your whistle and get everyone out of the theatre. I think there are bombs in the building."

He ran off before either of his companions had a chance to speak. He caught the tail end of Kitty's satin-trimmed train as she rushed across the lobby and made his way outside just as she nearly got run over.


London was louder than his cry of despair. She didn't hear him, and by the time he managed to cross the street, she had disappeared.

"Bloody hell."

Ben would have liked to fetch Mo to his aid, but there was no time for deviations. He dived headfirst into the maze of narrow back alleys, skidding on slimy cobblestones, shoving the occasional bystander, and generally groping his way around buildings in the dark.

Here and there a lantern burned, or the dull glow of a thoroughfare spilled partway into his path. For what felt like forever, he ran round in blind circles. He wanted to scream. Then he heard her scream.


Ben brandished his revolver and dashed in the direction of the noise. It sounded like a scuffle on multiple fronts. Grew louder as he closed in.

"Kitty!" a female voice yelled. "No!"

Then something like a kick or a punch silenced her, and Ben halted abruptly, aiming his gun at the sky. Fired a shot. Ravens and pigeons fled their perches. Startled rats and cats darted about in the dark. An ominous quiet hung in the smog, broken by heavy boots absconding into the night. Ben exhaled a trapped breath. His heartbeat raced a mile a minute.


Her name on his lips snapped him out of his trance. He hurried round the corner and found Kitty in a pile on the ground.

"Kitty!" He fell to his knees beside her, unsure how to touch her in case she was hurt. "Kitty, can you hear me?"

Leaning over her to listen to her breath, his palm touched hot moisture on the ground. He rubbed his fingers together, smelled them. It was blood. Kitty was bleeding. She whimpered when he grabbed her shoulder. Her fingers twitched.

"Kitty, can you hear me?" Ben repeated.

She tried to lift her head. He supported her nape, then pulled her upright into his arms as she attempted to sit up. Pain contorted her countenance. Her arms closed around her abdomen, but she pulled them away and looked down at herself. Ben did, too.

A blade had sliced clean across her torso, cutting through her dress into her skin. Ben hoped the corset had prevented it from cutting too deep. He cupped her cheek as she rested against his chest and brushed away the stray strands of hair sticking to her sweaty face. Her eyes found his, and he gave her as comforting a smile as he could muster.

"Do you think you can walk?"

Kitty moved her foot and stretched her leg straight. She gulped, nodding. Her eyes then searched the darkness for something she couldn't find.

"Where..." She coughed, her voice hoarse. "Where is Rebecca? She... she was right there..."

Ben looked around. "I didn't see anybody else when I came this way. They must have all run off when I fired."

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