She then walked over to Tony to see what he was doing. "And what are you working on?"

Tony looks up from the blueprints he was editing. "A new location for the Avengers."

"What's wrong with the tower?"

"Technically nothing, it's works well for us," he points to him and Bruce, "and Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Thor. But when they're here at the same it's a little crowded, and we don't have the room for more people."

"You plan on recruiting more people?"

"Eventually. We'll be converting one of the old warehouses upstate."

Rhi looks over at what Tony has come up with so far. "This looks great so far, library?"

Tony chuckles "The compound isn't going to need a library."

"Dad, there are people that actually like to read, you know. Besides, if you have the space to put in a screening room, I think you can manage a small library."

"Ok ok, fair enough."

"Oh, and you should consider putting bathrooms in everyone's room. They don't need anything fancy, but when given the choice, I don't think people are going to want to share. You only need something big enough for a small shower, sink, and toilet."

Tony looks over the plans. "I think we can manage that."

"These are new." Rhi picks up a pair of clunky metal cuffs. "What, or should I say who, are these for?"

"Loki."He takes the cuffs from Rhi and places them back on the table. "I've been working on a way to stop him from using his magic, incase he ever decides to show his face here again."

"I didn't think doing something like that was even possible." She pauses and thinks about the binding spell she had. "Well, at least not without using some sort of spell."

"That's the thing, I'm not stopping it, I'm shielding it."


"Well, magic is essentially energy. I designed the cuffs to put a shield around the wearer to prevent them from emitting said energy."

"How do the cuffs detect what energy to block?"

"Last time mischief was here, J.A.R.V.I.S. analyzed his magic energy so we could study it later."

"These would only work on Loki then?"

"For now. If we ever need to use these on someone else, we just calibrate it to their magic energy."

"That's actually really clever."

"Well, I am a genius."

Suddenly, the uneasy feeling Rhi has been having increases causing her to double over.

What the hell!? It feels like someone just stabbed me in the chest!



Both Tony and Bruce rush over to Rhi to help her sit down in a chair. Tony hands her some water while Bruce grabs the medical kit.

"Hey, you good?"

"Yea, I'm ok I think."

Even if Tony and Bruce knew about her powers, there wouldn't be anything they could do about it anyway, so she lies. "I've just...haven't had much to eat or drink today."

Bruce checks her over real quick. "Well, your heart rate is a little high. But other than that, your vitals are normal." His puts his hand on her shoulder. "Go eat and get some rest and I'll come check on you in the morning."

"Thanks, Bruce." Rhi leaves the lab and heads to the elevator. As soon as she gets off on her floor, she immediately can feel that someone else is there.

This feels can't be...

She conjures her magic to her hands, and starts walking towards the familiar feeling until she stops at her door. Using her magic, she opens the door and slowly makes her way in.

After checking her room over, Rhi goes to check her bathroom. Using her magic again to open the door, she flicks on the light to find Loki sitting on the floor leaning against the wall holding his chest.

He opens his eyes and a small smirk forms on his face. "Surprise."


A/N : Sorry for the shorter chapter, the next one is going to be a bit longer and a bit more dull as there will be a lot of info dumped in there so it might take a bit to read through. But I promise that it'll be worth it

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now