33 - Tempted

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I never felt this restless before. I have been through this since i was a kids. This kind of thing never make me scare or worry. I trust my team . But today i can even sit and try hard to focus. If you see anything that out of our plan, i will cancel this meeting immediately i said for thousand time.
I have been hugging him since twenty munite ago. I really dont want to let him go. But this beautiful guy really stuborn. He is scare but he really want to face bible himself.  I hug and kiss him hard before i let him go.
My man also look nervous. I am glad my loyal asistant jeff keep himself calm and lead the team.

I cant believe my eyes when bible suddenly push bright and protect bright with his body when out of sudden unknown waiter try to shoot bright. In a blink of eyes the shooter die when my man immedietely shoot him. I am running to bright and other team also running to bible. So the other team who protect bright is bible's. I am a bit confuse but i cant loose my focus and push bible from bright. Phi he call me and cry. Phi bible he said and look at him. Its okay, we will save him i said. Then i notice bible most trusted man come and bring bible to hospital. I want to bring bright back our home but he again have his own plan. He push me and follow pete. He hold bible hand tightly. I can see bible also grab his hand even he is umconcious. He refuse to let bible go and i have no choice but to follow him. I give signal to jeff and i know both team are  aware of each other.  Again i cant get bright out of bible ward when he threat he will kill himself if i force him home before bible awake. Pete who look at our drama also cant make bright leave bible alone and he is forced to guard us. I dont blame him,  know i will do the same because we have been enamy for decades.

I keep my stone face and did not react to any question from bible. I grith my teeth when i see how both of them interact. He really good to bright. That why that beauty trust him with his life. I never see this side of this ruthless man. The way he talk and comfort bright make me a bit uncomfortable.
So he know our real relation. He mention me as bright husband.
Once i know that bible willing to sacrifice his live for bright only one person come to my mind and that make me really angry. I know he now working with bible family, doing all he could to hurt my family and he definitely support by bible.

I know its not save staying here. Even bible did not involve in this case, but there are many from his family try to kill us. It will bring their status higher. I know every family have their own power strugle.  But my beautiful husband without blink reject me and refuse to go home. Bible know that our safety are not fully covered. That why he let both of our team stay outside. He even convince my husband to go home. But that beauty of mine as always so oblivious of the situation and willing to stay beside bible side. I dont have other option beside force him to leave.

He is now sitting the fartest he could from me. I can only smile on his attic.
I know he wont talk and eat tonight. I am glad he already eat with bible before. So i can let he do his hunger strike for tonight and at the mean time my team will work on hunting apo. I look at my husband who know slammed his old room door. Stay here i instruct his bodyguard. Dont let him leave the room i said and get into our room.  Not long after i receive a call from my grandpa. He is received the info so well. I really cant win his loyal people.

"Are you crazy, you are risking your and bright live he yell at me"
"No i am not, everything is under my supervision"
"What if its really bible, bright could be killed"
"I wont let it happen"
"Where is he"
"Useless, u cant handle your own husband"
"I need to go, i am too busy for this"
"You can act like this with me but weak when with your husband"
"Bye, i will call you back"

I look at my phone, i will never win when it involve his favorite grand son in law. I let my sulky husband stay in his room. I know he will fall asleep later. He is too tired because of this accident. I am glad he is alright. I just hate this make him like bible more. Beside that, apo is also my crucial problem. Thinking about apo i need to explain to my husband again after this. He wont let it go like bobo's mother issue. I know this beauty wont let go anything if he start to notice. Now i am more happy with his oblivious attitude. I will be explaining all my life if he start aware of his surrounding. I love how he who are easy and enjoy his life. To worry of his safety is my job, he just need to enjoy his live.

As expected he now sleeping tightly.
I slowly bring him to my room. I dont like how bible smell on him. I carefully change his cloth. I am sure now that i am not that straight anymore. I am trying hard control myself. His beautiful white skin look tempting to be mark. I quickly change his cloth before i become more pervet.  I pull him into my arms and kiss his head. Thank you for being safe. I was so scare today i whisper slowly. Hurmm he reply and snuggle to me.

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