9 - Pitiful child

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I am so worry when i know bobo is not well. We always on video call everyday. I dont know but i am attached to bobo.
Even i abstain myself from his dad.  I felt like a dumb when i yell at him. How could he treat me like a kid. What he mean when he ask me to stay at my mom when he is not around. I can take care of myself and i am worry about bobo so much.

I cant help but cry alone. I wish i can be with bobo but his dad dont even invite me. When he sit beside me, i play deaf and when he ask me to go home and visit bobo with him i cant pretend anymore. I nod and run to my mom.
I dont care anymore, i just want to see babo and grandpa.

When i reach our home, i run to my room. I just need a few cloth but i need to use big luggage because i already buy so many things for bobo. I can see how p mile smile when he look at my luggage but i pretend not to notice.

I know he is rich, but i never saw something like this. Living as middle class man make me amazed on how their luxury life style. This make me more carefull and firm to not involve in his life too much. This is scaring me.
I need normal fun live. I just want to have small family and living like normal people.

The way bobo crying break my heart. He miss me too. I immediate take him and hug him tight. Both of us glare at p mile when he use firm tone to bobo. I wont allow that as long as i am here. I bring bobo to his bed to avoid p mile scold him again. I notice he keep looking at his dad and softly cry. He miss him too, i finally agreed to sleep together in bobo bed. It felt really weird but bobo hugging my neck and soft breath make me relax and fall asleep. It was sound and peacefull sleep. When i heard alarm that i set for bobo medicine time, i slowly open my eyes and shock when i realize i was hugging p mile waist and bobo are lying on top of him. Its look like both of us go to him to find comfort.  I slowly lift my hand try not to disturb this two.
After that i go to bath room to refresh.
Then i look how bobo start to awake and look so cute looking for me on his awake dad. Are you awake baby i ask him before he start crying. He now smile at me try to get down from his dad. I hurrily go to him and lift him up. He need to eat i said while checking on his temperature. He is getting better. P mile smile and nod. Wait for me he said before walk into bathroom.

Bobo hug me tightly and dont want to leave me when his nanny come to feed him. Its ok phi, i said when phi mile try to take bobo. Are you sure he ask me again. I nod and start feeding bobo. Open your mouth phi mile suddenly said trying to feed me. He must be worry that i will hungry.  No thank you i said with a glare.  He just laugh and continue eating.
Eat baby, i talk to bobo. No thank you he said repeating what i said. P mile again laugh loudly. I really suprise he can be this loud. Bobo shaking his head showing he dont want to eat. But bobo i try to convince him. Eat suddenly p mile again feeding me. I look at bobo eyes who look at me with interest. I finally open my mouth and eat. Ahhhh bobo suddenly open his mouth. I just smile and continue to feed him and being feed by phi mile. After eating and bobo taking his  medicine we now run to bobo room and open my lugage. He look so happy when he see all his present. We play a lot and laugh happily. Since both of us tired,  we fall asleep on the floor hugging each other.

I am nearly scream when i awake at other room. I look for bobo and try to get down from bed. You need to rest first suddenly  phi mile said while working at the couch. Why i am here i ask him. I dont know he said calmly. I want to sleep with bobo i said and try to walk. Let him rest too, we cant sleep with him. It will be harder for grandpa when we back to thai he said try to make me understand. Its sound firm and sad at the same time. I look at his expression, but i cant read anything. Why are you leaving him here i ask him. I cant hold and ask him. I really want to ask him since the day i see bobo.  He just look at me and back to his work. I am so annoy because he ignore my question.
After a while i hear bobo crying. I try to look for him but once again i was stop by phi mile. Dont get involve, his nanny know what they should do he said calmly. I cant believe what i hear but bobo is his son, i cant say much. I can only pray that bobo stop crying and get a sleep. Its been a while but bobo still crying and i felt really pity and sad.  I am sorry i said and run to bobo room.
I just cant let him cry this much. He just 3 years old. Why they need to handle him like an adult. I just cant let this happen in my present. When i arrive at bobo's room, i can see how his nanny try to calm him and patiently try to comfort him.  I walk to bobo slowly and politely bow to his nanny. Can i try phi i ask, she nod and give bobo to me. I hug him tight and slowly caress his back. I slowly sing to him a child song and keep saying how i love him. It take me some time before he calm down and hug me back. After a long tantrum he is tired and sleepy. I dont know but i felt so pity for this kids. He live in the bigest mansion i ever seen  but he is suround by his helper not his real family.

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