14 - No escape

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What wrong with my husband. He always being cold and treat me as stranger, but today he definitely not being himself. He is crying and sad. Check any issue on my husband, what make him sad today. I instruct my assistant and back to my study. I try to focus on my work but his sad face seem cant leave my mind.

After half an hour my assistant submit his report. Nothing unusual. What make him sad today. I cant call his mother.
Then i hear a knocked. What do you want i ask my helper. I am a bit moody today. I am also not being myself. sorry to disturb master he quickly answer. Older master ask to meet you he said and slowly close the door. Then i focus back on my laptop. Oh god, i suddenly realize the way i talk to him today is how i talk to my employee. I hurrily go to my grandpa. Why are you in hurry grandpa ask me. I need to see bright i said and grandpa just smile. You can go now, dont forget to ensure brighty eat. Too much diet is not good he said. 

I slowly open bobo room door. Its already late. Both now hugging each other. I walk to them and my husband suddenly open his eyes and look at me.
What wrong phi he ask.  He is avoiding my eyes. I think i get it right.
Bright, can we talk i ask him. Can we wait for tomorrow phi he ask, reluctant to see me. No, i said and he carefully get down from the bed. After he straigthen bobo blanket he walk to me and i bring him to the dining.
Please eat, i said and he look at me.
I am not hungry he reply. He try to leave. Bright i hold his hand and slowly hug him. I am sorry, i dont mean it. Its a rough day for me. I am sorry i sincerely appologize.  He just keep silent.
I look into his teary eyes. I am sorry i said again. I will never felt disturb and burden when its come from you. I am sorry for my behaviour. I try to explain while caressing his beautiful face. I promise i wont do it again, can you please eat i plead him..he finally nod and sit down.
Its just simple fried rice. I dont want to disturb our helper.  Its been a long time for me to cook for someone. I cant believe i cook the same dish that my girl love so much to my husband.
He silently eat and enjoy his food.
Thank you he said.

I can only smile thinking of my husband attitude. He is so different with what he potray to the world. He clearly remind me about the line that i should not cross.
But here he is sulky and protest because of my tone. I am sure he will crying if being scolded. He is sensitive man and i need to be careful when interact with him.

Finally its time for us to leave bobo and grandpa. Both my husband and bobo hugging each other and cry. Promise to miss each other and what not. I hug my grandpa tightly. See you soon grandpa.
Dont you want to hug me i ask bobo who now clingy to bright. He nod and sadly kiss and hug me.. i love you daddy, i will miss you, come soon he said sadly. My good boy is handsome and brave right i ask bobo. He cutely nod.  Take care baby. I love you. I look at bobo face dearly and kiss him.  Thank you phi, i give bobo to his nanny. I can see bright start crying harder. Lets go i said and slowly push him to the car.

Its was a silent flight. My husband now crying softly. He must feel really bad because this is his first time.
Dont be sad, if you want we can visit them again next time i try to comfort him. He look at me desprately. I promise i said. Thank you he said and then close his eyes. I felt touch by his love for my son. I wish he will open and try to accept me like my son. I dont expect him to become friendly and caring toward each other, i just hope he dont reject me in his life.

Thank you he said before get into his room. That was the last word he said to me after we visit bobo 3 weeks ago. After that thank you he seem like dissapear and no where to be found. He is extremely busy. When he is not working he just stay in his room.
I am a bit dissapointed, i thought at least he will change a bit after our visit but he become more different and try to avoid me as much as he could. Beside dissapointed i also miss him. I miss him so much.

I still working and try my luck to wait for him. Suddenly my assitant come running and inform me that my husband involved in accident. How is he i ask try to calm myself. He is at hospital now, only with small injury but Khun bible is in emergency room right now he slowly report. I never thought bible will be in picture. I need report within one hour. How come my husband with bible at this hour. I know its not that simple when it involve bible.

He will angry if i go to the hospital. But i know there is no way my assistant will manage to get him home. I am trying to be patient with him but he have other plan for me. Not only he refuse to see me but he want to accompany bible in the hospital which will lead to further problem. Bible still unconcious so its easier for me to kidnap my own husband. My people are well train and elite team. Less than 30 minute he now sleep in my arm in our family car.  I really dont want to do this. Stop pushing me baby i said and kiss his forehead. I already decide to burn our marriage contract. I am business man, i know he will not escape from this marriage. I just need to play smart.

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