32 - Confession

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The atmostphere look different. I can feel it since i walk into the cafe. He look nervous and a bit scare. I try to calm him down by teasing him. He finally feel a bit comfortable. After for a moment he finally start talking. I dont have any reason to lie to him. So i admit all my wrong doing he ask. I can see he felt really hurt and scare. I try to make him understand that i will never hurt him. I try to make him understand and explain the reason of our family feud become so tense lately.
I need him to believe that i will never hurt him. I love someone for the first time. Even if we are not mean to be together i will happy just being his friend. He still did not know his own feeling but looking at him now, mile already in his heart, he just need time to understood. The way he try to protect mile really break my heart. This is first time i hear mile side story. I know my sister could be unreasonable but i never saw any regret in his eyes. He just live like nothing happen. That make me so angry. He act like my sister life have no value. So its suprise me when bright tell me mile side story. I may be just blind by my anger that i choose not to check before.  During our conversation, i notice one of the waiter keep looking at bright. I feel something bad gonna happen, i dont know how but i am glad that bright now laying under me and a few shot has been heard before i close my eyes. I can hear bright calling me but i cant open my eyes.  Oh god please protect him i pray for the first time.

I can hear a soft cry and sobbing. I know it his voice. Thank god he is safe. I will not forgive myself if he is injured.
I slowly try to open my eyes.  Boss pete quickly call me. Call the doctor he yell loudly. After a few hour i finally awake and look around. I look at pete. How could he let my people put a weapon on bright and mile head in my ward.  Leave us alone i said with difficulty. Sorry boss, bright wont leave your side and mile wont leave him alone here, so we need to do this. Can you promise my safety i ask mile who now hugging bright. He just nod without any word. Stay outside i said. Pete finally give in and let his man stay outside. I will be here he said with no compromise anymore tone. I just sigh and slowly said. Sorry about it, is it okay with you i ask phi mile. Again that bastard just nod. I look at crying bright in mile hug. He must be scare how my man treat them. He look at me but still did not move from mile side. Its ok bright, no one will hurt you i said. He look at phi mile and that bastard again just nod.  Bright slowly come to me. Thank you phi, i make you hurt again he said with teary eyes. Dont worry as long as i am alive no one can hurt you i said it clearly so that mile can hear it too.
Are you ok i ask him. He quickly nod and obediently sit beside me. You must be tired, you should go back now i said and look outside my ward. Both team are facing each other. One que from me and mile will bring disaster. I am suprise that bastard still calm and act almighty as he always do. Bright look outside the room but he shake his head. No i want to be with you here he said. I look at mile who now look so cold trying to be patient. So he really care about bright. He is gambling his life here. He know what i can do but he choose to do what bright want. I cant rest with all the tense here, i said and chuckle, teasing bright who now smile a bit. Are you scare i ask him again. No he reply. I have you and phi mile here. No one dare to hurt me he said firmly and he is right when both leader of top family choose to protect him. I just smile and touch his hair.
I am glad you are save, they will be tense situation after this, listen to your husband i said. He nod and look at phi mile. I will he said.
You should bring him home, i will handle this i said to mile.
Is it him mile ask with stone face. Dont let me see him again, i wont be nice like before he said and walk to bright.
Lets go he said. No i want to stay here bright reply quickly. I can only smile looking how bright act toward almighty mile. He dont even blink to disobey him.  You should go home i said. You can come again later. I need to do something i said.
No bright said again. I wont be this nice again, stay away from him mile said to me before lift bright and bring him out the ward. My man and his man look startle of the situation.  They never thought that they will see someone scolding and yelling at mile face.

After pete ensure of our security and make sure mile bring all his people back he finally sit beside me. I am sorry i said. Pete look at me and ask what for.  I am sorry, now i know how we felt when we love someone. I am sorry for letting you stay by my side even i know how you felt. I said to pete. I am really okay if you want to leave me i said. I cant force it i said. Pete still sit there like never hear anything. You are being shot on shoulder, how come you brain damage too. We need doctor he said try to leave my ward. I mean it i said firmly and that make pete stop. Without even looking he firmly said, i will do what i want to do, i will leave if i want to leave. Not even you can stop me he said and leave me alone

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