1- Kidding

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You must be kidding me. You know i am not into man. This is crazy i said and leave the room. Wait he said and i look at him. That the reason, that why i need your help. He said again. Why me, we dont know each other. Dont you think its weird if they trust it i ask again. I cant ask my team, they will not believe it he answer. I look at him and ask, why me.
He look a bit fluster. I am sorry, i just mention your name because i see your comercial he reply ackwardly. No, i am sorry, i cant and i dont like how you bring me here i said annoyed try to leave again. I'll pay you, give me your price he try again. I cant believe my ears and look at him coldly.
My suggestion, just married with your family choice and get your inheritance or dont married but work hard to find your own wealth i said coldly. He look a bit angry. You better accept it while i am being nice, you wont like it if i use other method he said a bit firm. I cant believe my ears, what make him that confident to say that. I am sorry for being straight foward, if i am into man, you are not my taste i said and leave him for real this time.  He is so rude and arrogant. Who he think he is. Excuse me, i said try to get through the bodyguards. They only let me go when i heard permission from their boss.

I must be dreaming. This is not happen. I nearly run because i really scared. His aura and vibe really scary and its pressuring me. I need to leave this place as soon as posible. I still cant believe how all of this can happen. Not once in mylife i thought to fall for a guy and he ask me to married him. He must be crazy and desprate to ask someone he dont know for something like this. He is really lucky because i am not the type who spread rumors. So his secret will be safe with me. I quickly get out of hotel and look for the taxi. I cant wait for my manager. I just need to leave as soon as posible.

Mom i call my mom. I need her cuddle.
I run to her kicthen and i nearly scream when i see him here in our kicthen with an apron and helping my mom. Mom i call her again, i dont think she hear me before. Oh you are late, mile has been waiting for you she said and hug me. I hug her but i cant stop looking at phi mile. What wrong bright my mom ask me when i keep silent. I smile at her and slowly ask. Mom why are you let him in. Silly, my mom answer and smile. Dont worry i am old but i am open minded, i dont mind as long as both of you happy she said calmly.
What do you mean i ask her. Stop pretending mile already explain everything, dont be scare my mom said and hug me again. Mom you get it wrong i try to explain. Calm down baby, mom already accept us, its ok now he suddenly said and i look at him angrily. What are you doing i ask him coldly when my mom stirring her soup and leave us alone.
I ask you nicely before he said And sit down calmly. You cant force me. I am not underage kid i said. Trust me baby if you are underage i wont be here he said with smirk.
I regret because i go to win's house before coming home.
Please leave after dinner, its not gonna happen i said firmly. Really, he ask me with meaningful smile.
Yes, after dinner kindly say you are joking to my mom and leave immediately i warn him full heartly.
I give you another chance to accept it yourself and agree with my request he reply to me like he did not listen to my warning. You should know i can do more than this he slowly said and smile when my mom come with her soup. Mile lets eat, ignore him if he being bratty my mom said. Mom, i call her, annoy how she act so close with phi mile. What, she ask me while serve p mile.

Think carefully, you can choose to married quietly and we can talk how to go thru it or we can marry and make your fan all over the world celebrate it with you he said before get into his car. The answer is still no, you can find someone else i said coldly and walk away. Seriously i still cant digest, how can someone you dont know kidnap and ask you to marry. Is he being real. I really cant believe it. We are in same entertaiment business and how could he do this. I know he is known for being rich but i dont know weather its true or false. And who is he to force me like this. Its getting married not being a fake boyfriend like my character before.

Bai my mom call me softly. I walk to her a bit sulky. Dont angry anymore she said. You should not bring stranger into our house. Its dangerous i said.  She just laugh slowly. He is mile the actor, everyone know him, how come he be a stranger she ask me back. Forget about that she said. I mean it when i said i am okay with your relation. I am happy for you. After your break up 3 years ago i see you are avoiding any relation but i am totally wrong. I am happy for you she said.  Mom please listen to me, p mile is just joking, i am single and you will be the first to know if i have a partner. I said try to make her understand. But she just smile and hug me. Ok go shower, i am so happy tonight she said and walk to her room.
Mommm i call her but she dont response  just close her door.
This is so wrong i said and with heavy step get into my room after lock our door.

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