3 - Proposal

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Its been 2 days after unrealistic proposal by p mile. I am glad i am firm enough even still have doubt and worry about his threats. I really suprised how he can find my house easily. No one know my house after the penthhouse issue and the stalker fans keep coming to my house. So i really pay more for my privacy.  Maybe he is someone but i dont care anymore. As long as he dont disturb me he is not my concern. I have our side by side concert this weekend, i need to focus. I only have  a few event beside practice hard everyday.

Beep i received a message. I immediately check because my mom stay alone. I look at beutiful proposal video from unknown number. It was so beautiful and suddenly i felt something wrong. This is how i answer when reporter ask how will i propose if i find the right one but this one is in big scale.
"This gonna be your proposal after your concert. Weather our wedding gonna be this big or private marriage is depend on your answer. See you this weekend." I receive another message. What the heck, is he crazy, is he threating me to announce his imaginery wedding he have. I ask my self. Or maybe this is one of his way he try to sabotag our concert i ask myself after a long thinking.

Finally its the day of our concert. We have a great event and now i am taking a rest before going home. I am waiting for my driver. He is stuck in the traffick. Its a bit weird because he always arrive before any event end. Its ok i can rest here i said to my manager before she leave for my food. I just smile looking how our team celebrate our success and play around. Suddenly the noisy room become quiet.
My eyes become wider when i see p mile and a few people come in and walk to me. He casually hug and kiss my cheek. I am speechless and cant response to his action. What are you doing i slowly ask phi mile when i aware of the situation.
Let me inroduce, this is my grandpa, he is your fan and he want to see you he casually said. An old man walk to me with great aura that scream rich. Hi brighty he greet me. I smile and nod at her sudden friendly greeting. Come here give grandpa hug he said and spread his arm. I have no choice but to hug him. Thank you for coming i said. Thank you for accepting my cold grandson he said and smile. I look at p mile asking for help. Grandpa dont be mean, you know i am not he said ignoring my request.  Is it true brighty you agreed to marry this fool he ask me desprately. This is mental pressure, i need to speak the truth. Before i start talking i heard a firework, and i immediately look at p mile. That congratulation celebration he calmly said. Next gonna be our.. yes i immediately cut him and reply to his grandpa. He now smile and look at me with a smirk. What wrong brighty grandpa ask me. Nothing i said and try to smile. Are you not happy with this marriage grandpa suddenly ask and look at p mile. Did mile force you he ask me.  No of course not grandpa, i am your grandson, i wont force him he said confidently. Now the old man look at me back. Really brighty he ask me again. I just nod and try to smile.
Oh my god, i cant believe it, he said. Its gonna be big ceremony in our family he said and excited. Grandpa i finally manage to call him who look so excited and look down. What wrong brighty, you can talk to me, dont be scare grandpa said. I have career that i love the most now, i cant marry now i slowly try to rebel. I am trying to be his fake boyfriend now instead of fake spouse.
We talk about it baby, he interupt. I promise you quite and private marriage, only for close family he add. His grandpa now look at me, do your company not allow you to marry he ask me. Let me see the ceo, we can buy your company  he said angrily. Now i know where phi mile attitude come from. No its not about them, its about me i quickly reply. I cant marry now i finally said. I have so many things to do now i said. Then its not a problem, you can do all you want even you are married, dont worry he said and hug me. I glare at p mile who look calm and smile sweetly.
We can talk later p mile said kindly. I'll see you tomorrow then. Grandpa we need to go, they need rest, i will bring him home later he softly talk to his grandpa. I smile and nod at him who look at me with high hope. I will try to visit you when i am free i said. He nod and hug me last time before leaving with p mile.
" i will pick you up tomorrow" he message me.

Sorry bright, my driver come running, i cant come early because our car was blocked. Its take hours for me to wait he said appologicly. Its ok i said because i am sure they are p mile wrong doing. He is trying to trap me from avery angle.  Then i heard another fire work and all my team happily look at the window. Thank you bright was appear instead of marry me bright. I am so glad and all my team congrate and compliment my fans. 
It was close call, he really walk the talk. I cant take his threats lowly like before. Because of my unreadiness i was trapped in his game. I should ready and make a plan to escape. But this is really shocking to me. It is an open eyes for me, i cant take his word lightly. I need to do something about the marriage issue

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