22 - Win help

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I wish i dont need to get up. I felt so sleepy and cold right now. I look for my pillow and it felt so warm. What is this i ask myself when i felt someone pull me harder. I slowly open my eyes and nearly scream when i now comfortly laying on phi mile. I try escape but he hug me tight. Then i suddenly remember last night even. All the pain and sadness come back to me. I cant believe that i comfortly sleep here last night. I am so angry that i cant help but cry.
Are you hurt phi mile suddenly ask. I only can cry harder when i look at his unguilty eyes.  I hate you i said. But he casually pull me. Come here he said and hug me tight.

I still on his bed after that morning drama. I am a bit calm now. I need to discuss this issue before my schedule.
I am sorry, i wont see phi bible again, i did not go to him, but he came to my event i try to explain. He now look calm and not angry anymore. I know he reply.
Can you please follow our marriage contract back i ask slowly. I am sorry we cant he said. I promise i wont see him i said desprately. Still no he said. Why, i did not breach our contract i said. I did not have any relation with him i try again. I know he said while caressing my hair. Then why, i ask louder.
We are husbands, that why he said. But i am a guy i scream to him. So what he ask me back. I dont love you i said firmly. But i love you he said. No you dont i said and push him before i run to my room.

I cant believe it. Where is my cloth, why my room is empty i ask him loudly.
Like i said, we will staying together in this room he said calmly. I did not agree i cant help but yell at him
All you things are here, you are getting late for your schedule. No we are not, dont force me i said firmly. Dont push me too much i said and leave the room.
I walk to my driver who are now waiting for me.  Lets go to my house i said. The driver look confuse. He have my schedule and permision to drive me to my event. I need to take something i said and he finally agreed.
Please wait phi, i wont take long i said when my intention is to get a bath and change my cloth.

I am greatful to metawin, i really cant focus on our event. Win can i sleep over at your place tonight i ask. He look at me weirdly but still nod his head.  After an event i immediately get into win's sport car..this brat really love car. Even he is tired, he never give up to drive his car.  I already ask my manager to inform my driver that i am going to win house , so he dont need to wait for me. When we arrive at win apartment, i casually walk to room that i consider mine, i have everything here or i can use win's. He is the best partner i have, he know i need me time so he let me do what i want. I need to sleep. I am really angry and annoy right now. I am worry that i will punch him again.  Is he crazy, how could he kiss me like there is no tomorrow. I am shock and stammed but not disgust with his kiss. I really hate how he handle our issue. There is no two way comunication. Everything decided by him alone. He never care about what i want and feel. I must be crazy if i want to stay in this marriage. Knowing his family status and power i know there is no way i will win if i bring this to the court. I am try my best to avoid him along our marriage. I am just doing what i love and never get involve with his live because he have the ability to control and influence my mood. I can easily cry, sulky and angry only from his words.
I really dont want to fight with someone like him.

Afte giving message to my manager, i turn off my phone. I need to be alone. I really dont want to see him. I need plan to escape from him. I heard a knock and walk to the door. I already warm the food, you can eat if you want, Win said and walk to his room. Thank you i said and get back to my bed.
I am tired and lack of sleep. Most importantly i need to forget him.
I really need rest before anything.

Who are you, what do you want, win suddenly yelling. We are here for young master i heard someone reply. There is no young master hear win reply. Please let us take him mr metawin. The same person politely ask. Take who win ask getting impatient. We are here for bright suddenly the voice i familiar enough amswer. Phi mile, win ask with question look. Hi win, i am here for bright, can i see him he politely ask. What happening here, win ask again. Let me talk to him and he will answer you himself he said
This is so rude phi, getting your people to barge into my house, win said again. I am sorry, i dont have your number and he turn off his phone phi mile lie at win face. If he can get detail of win house, i am sure he can get win number. I need to ask him first, please take a sit win finally give in.

What happen win ask me when i look scare waiting for him. Win, i dont want to go i start begging him. Tell me what going on he ask me firmly. Can you not ask and just help me i ask sadly. I cant tell you now i said again. What have you done, dont you know he is not just an actor, he is from the most powerful family in country. What do you expect me to do he ask me angrily. If you dont tell me the truth, how will i help you he ask again. I dont know, i dont want to follow him i said while hugging win. Win only can sigh and try to calm down. Wait here, let see what can i do he said.

Phi mile, he is scare right now, can you let him sleep here tonight. He is tired and  need rest today. I am sure there is no way he can rest if he follow you. He need time to calm himself win try to convince phi mile. I promise i personally will bring him to you early in the morning he said again. If it about money, i will help him so dont be so harsh on him win offer himself to help me. Phi mile keep silent and not response to win request. I will see him downstairs at 7 am tomorrow he finally said and leave win house.
When win get into my room, i run to him and hug him tightly. Thank you win i said with tearing eyes.
Its only for tonight. Now rest because you will be with him tomorrow morning. Think hard and prepare for tomorrow win said leaving me alone.

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