Good enough (wally x nervous reader)

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I remember someone requested this a very long time ago so here you go!!
This is for audience that tend to overthink about the smallest things, to the point that it just makes them hate themselves or wish they never did that or anything at all. I just want to let you know that it's okay to overthink a lot, your not alone on that and please don't think your bothering people, your not annoying them or anything bad at all!! Please communicate about what your feeling whenever your overthinking so the other can understand and say what they actually thought of or did.

aIt was a sunny day, the sun shining on below, it was pretty hot for a spring day. You were in your casual clothes and decide to go outdoors. Maybe I'll try to hang out with my neighbors today!! It will be lots of fun, you thought of. You wanted to hang out with one of them so they could give you all their attention, cause honestly if they're attention is partially on you, you would overthink about it.

You didn't really like it at all because you thought it was annoying, you sigh trying to wash away all these thoughts.You decided to first go to Julie's to see if they wanted to hang out, cause they always say yes and lots of fun.

You walk up to her house, fiddle on your cloths for a sec, and knock on her door. It took a while  until she picked up, she looked like a mess. Glue and googly eyes in her hair, and confetti all over. "Hey y/n!! What's up?" Julie panting. "Oh hey julie!! Nothing much, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out and have fun but you look like your occupied yourself. I can go if you want-" "I loved too y/n, but currently me and sally have something going on, sorry!!" She  got interrupted when sally slammed the door infront of your face.

"Awh man did I do something?" You saddened. You begin to walk around while thinking of what neighbor to go to next. Eddie and howdy are out of town, Frank's distracted on a bug, poppy's too scared to play hopscotch, and barnabys painting his house again. You thought of all the neighbors being busy, sighing that no one wants to hang out with you.

Maybe I'll go check on barnaby if he's done. You walk over to his house to him and Wally hanging out already. 'I don't wanna bother them, they already look like they're having blasts of fun. I'm not that important anyway.' You sigh once more, walking back to your home. You sat on the tiny staircase infront of your door, sighing looking towards the floor.

You didn't like being alone at all, cause if you were alone, you started to overthink everything. You just felt left out. The thoughts started swarming in right away.

Why doesn't anybody wanna hang out with me?

Am I too annoying?

Am I ugly?

Is it because of the way I talk or how I look?

Does nobody like me?

I hate myself.

I- I wish I never existed.

You begin to sob into your knees hopelessly because you thought you were no fun at all. You continued so until you heard a voice. "Neighbor?" Wally said. You look up to see your cheerful neighbor, Wally darling. "Wally!! Sorry I'm such a mess, what's up?" You wipe away your tears and clean up.

"Oh well I was just walking back to home until I saw you on your doorstep. Are you alright? You seem down What's wrong?" He said worried. "It's nothing really!! It's just me." You sniffle. "Oh I know it's not nothing neighbor, I heard from a neighbor that no body wants to hang with you?" "Whered you hear that?" You turn your head.

"Just from a fellow neighbor. Darling I know you tend to overthink on small things. And it's alright to do so, and I promise that everyone would love to hang out with you, including me. "I think they're just busy with their own tasks dont you think so?" He sat next to you hugging your side. "I promise you that no matter how busy we are, doesn't mean we don't wanna hang out with you." He pecked your cheek.

"How about, I hang out with you? We could paint, walk around the park, or just genuinely just relax at home, or anything that you like to do. I just want you to feel better. How's that?" He suggested. "I love any of that." You smiled. "There's the adorable neighbor I know. I just want to make you happy and with joy. After all, your my favorite neighbor out of all. Shhh don't tell." He whispered. You giggled and went along for the day.

Deleted scenes!!

"Watch this!" Sally turned around to their corner. "Blahhh!!" They stick their tongue out with googly eyes on their eyes and forehead. You and Julie laughed your butts off to the point you crashed into the kitchen. "I'm alright." You smile faintly.

Another blooper!

"Hey do you wanna try something?" "Yeah sure, it better not be you whispering chicken butt into my ear though. I'll kill you if you do okay wally?" You glare. "Alright. Besides I'm doing because I'm bored and your here so." He pecked your lips. "WHYD YOU DO THAY!?!" "Im just a little silly puppet." He smiled goofy. (You guys are the same height)


Hey guys!! I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I remember this tiktok I found and someone who requested and decided, "why not combine them?" It was such a brilliant idea. I also want to apologize if I didn't get to your request yet, I'll try to make them as fast as possible!!! Hope this reached the right audience :)



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