Appearence. (Wally Darling x reader)

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Ao3 is exploding with Wally X reader stories.. btw this chapter and last chapter is inspired by another story!!

Wally sat on knees, staring at the wall in one of the many rooms of his home. The room was filled with silence.. deadly quiet. He felt a strange energy or entity in his home, but he didn't know what it was. Perhaps you? Or one of his other neighbors? It hadn't been too long ever since you got back.. You haven't been home in years. you have no idea how you got into Wally's home, you just woke up there.

You had walked around his home and stumbled upon this dark, silent room with one table in the middle, filled with art supplies. You look around until you hear the door click, you quickly get to the darkest corner. It wasn't long until he had found you.

Wally groaned. "Hey there, neighbor." he smiled smugly. "We haven't seen each other in a long time, home missed you.. and I missed you a lot." He giggled. "Yes, Im very glad to have you back.. in my arms.. Ha ha ha ha." He continues. "And I cant wait to see what you and the others get to do together.. especially you and me." He says more excited.

"You know.. I've been thinking anxiously when you would come back to me.. I've been waiting for a long long time for this moment.. and I'm glad it finally came true.. I knew you would come back to me. I know how alluring I can be. Now we can have all the fun we want." he giggled, waiting for a response.

A long time of silence passed by, Wally's smile slowly turning into a frown. "I know your there." He whispered. "But where are you." He stood up, trying to sense where you were. You covered your mouth from making a sound, not even a breathe. "I can feel you, I know your watching me neighbor." You can tell by his voice he was getting frustrated.

His glowing, eerie eyes still stared at the one wall. "And I've been watching you too, you know. I love how delightful you are, your smile gives me glee, and your glimmering skin.. I've been watching you from a distance, waiting for the right time to bring you back into my arms." He continued.

Wally's eyes wandered the room once more, waiting for a movement or at least, a noise. "But now that your here, we can finally do all the things I want to do with you, pleasure you even.. I cant wait to do all the fun things I have in mind, all the adventures we can have."

He chuckled to himself, slightly cupping his cheeks with his hands, smiling like a maniac. "It's going to be the most, don't you think so neighbor?" He asked. He awaited for your response, shaking his head.

"But surely, you'll be here soon right? You promised you come back and I believed you." Wally's voice begin to crack and his grin disappeared. He needed the reassurance from you that your actually back, but you kept your mouth shut covered by your hands, you look at the slightly opened door on the right.

It was right there, just a few steps and you can run out of here. "I cant wait to show you all the things I've been working on." He says more animated. "We'll have lots of fun, I swear." Wally then scanned the room again, searching for any life in the room, he couldn't help but to cry a little.

His grin begins to weaken again, as he wipes away the tears you have caused. He waited for a response, even a sqeak would be enough for him.. He began to get impatient. He clenched his fists and banged his fists on the table, letting out a gullible cry of frustration.

"Why wont you answer me!? Don't  you care about me? Didn't you miss all the time we spent together, ALL THE FUN WE HAD!?"

He wiped his tears. Wally's grin returned, but more wider and sisnter."No no your going to stay with me this time.. with us. We're going to have so much fun neighbor, I promise." He giggles. "But, you better not leave again.. not like last time.. unless you want serious consequences don't you?" He continued.

"Just you wait and see neighbor, I have so many plans for us, your going to love it." He begins to pace back and forth. You begin to breathe heavier, blushing madly from all the things he had said. You look at the door again, you agreed to tip toe to the door and leave. You begin to slowly walk to the door trying not to make a sound.

"I've been waiting for this moment for so so longg.. but now your here.. I crave your touch.." he giggles to himself. You were almost to the door, almost touching the door knob.

But then, it fell dead silent. You felt cold hands slither around your waist. "Ah there you are sweetheart." He slammed the door closed. "I finally see you, neighbor..."

I fuckign screaming into pillow so many times while writing this 😭😢🤭
I'm feeding you Wally simps 😍😘😘
Don't worry guys there's gonna be a part two, or at least.. I think so 😊

Help me it's 2 in the morning and I have school

907 words

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