249 13 5

Friday, November 22nd


"okayyyy kani"

"but you're pregnant, let me love you"

"i'm 2 hours pregnant, leave me alone" she joked and straight faced me. I brushed her off and continued to kiss on her.

"this how we got here in the first place"

"umhm" she laughed as I kissed her neck.

"ok seriously kani, let's talk"


"the baby"

"what about it"

"are we sure?" I sat up fast and looked at her.

"what chu mean? we betta be you done told everybody you was pregnant"

"i know bu- nevermind, i'm sorry"

"no, cause speak. if you don't wanna keep the baby, then we can make an appointment sage"

"i do tho. it's just a lot i'm worried about"


"not being a good mom with my disability. i know i'm good with the twins but that's different when it's your own child"

"you're not alone tho"

"i know"

"so you're gonna be ok"


"and if you go through that post partum i got chu" she laughed some.

"i'm serious, i heard dat shit is real"

"it is"

"so ima be there to help"

"ok" she said smiling at me.

"we gotta move"

"huh?" she said looking at me crazy.

"you heard me"

"but i really like my apartment and you can't sell your dads house"

"i know, but dogs, twins and a baby! we need more space" she laughed at me.

"i'm serious"

"yea i know, but i just really like my apartment"

"it doesn't have to be now, we can wait until a little further along in your pregnancy or until they're older"

"we're really gonna have a baby...?" she asked shocked

"well when you fuck all the time without a condom"

"bye sekani." we both laughed. We're at my apartment right now so he got up and I followed.

He started taking stuff out the refrigerator so I sat down at the island.

"ooo daddy's gonna cook"

"quit playin" he said turning around and lifting his eyebrows up at me and I laughed.

"you not gon be the only one callin me that"

"oh hush" then we heard the bedroom door open and the twins came in the kitchen.

"goodmorning" we both said to them

"goodmorning" then they came up to me.

"goodmorning baby" they said to my stomach and I laughed.

"wait until they get a bit bigger to talk to them"

Lax- "how much longer?"

"maybe in like two months"

Lena- "ugh, ok"

Lax- "then they'll be able to hear us?"

"umhm" they started smiling and came and sat down at the island with me.

I heard my phone ringing so I got up to go get it and it was my mom.

"hi mommy"

"hey baby, you feelin ok?"


"good, i made you a doctors appointment"

"ok, for when?"

"later today"


"it's at our regular hospital wit dr.kelly"

"ok good"

"want me to come?"

"i'm sure kani would come but yes"

"ok, i'll come get y'all"

"ok, just let me know when you're on your way"

"yes momma"

"ma stopppp" she laughed at me and we got off the phone. I went back in the kitchen and they were eating.

"everything ok?" he asked me bringing my waist into his.

"my momma made us a doctors appointment for today"

"oh ok, what time?"

"she didn't say exactly but she said she'd let me know when she's on her way"

"aw she excitedddd to be a grandma" I laughed.

"yea i think so"

"well c'mon and eat" he sat me down and made me a plate.

— — —

Just got done at the doctors and she said everything was good. She prescribed me some prenatal vitamins and also I'm almost two months along. Crazy. That's kinda far for me not to know.

Ma- "want anything to eat before i drop y'all back off?"

"no i'm not hungry"

Sekani- "you gotta eat sum"

"i'll make me a sandwich when i get in the house. i can already tell y'all gon be up my butt this whole pregnancy"

Ma- "correct."

Sekani- "absolutely" I just laughed and shook my head.

We made it back to my house. The twins were with Von and Ken. We're all supposed to hang out before they leave to go back to school.

"sekani what are you doin"

"ion know who that is. but, i'm makin you a sandwich" I just laughed at him.

"you're a mess"

"yea. i am." he finished making the sandwich and gave it to me and a cup of juice.

"where yo vitamins at? take those with it"

"yes daddy" I got the vitamins out my bag and took them with the juice.

"that's how we got here. you betta stop"

"but you like it"

"and do"

"but we can still have sex kani"

"i know, just certain positions we can and can't do when you get to a certain point of your pregnancy"

"did yo research huh"

"oh baby i'm prepared for the next seven months" I smiled at him

"i love you" I told him and he smiled at me.

"i love you too"

"i was scared but now i think i'll be ok"

"about having a baby?"


"it's gonna be ok. i'm here and i'll be here through everything"

"i know"


I'm back guysssss and yes I'm continuing their story😘

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