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Tuesday, March 5th


"but ma'am she's their legal guardian"

Ma- "i don't give a fuck what that bitch is. i'm not giving these twins to her. she doesn't have a stable home to live in, she does everything to get her drugs INCLUDING giving her kids to men. y'all can kiss the darkest part of my ass."

Grace- "give me my fuckin kids bitch. go worry about your dead husband"

Ma- "aw hell naw" and she was about to hit her but the officer stopped her.

Lena- "what's going on" she asked crying

Lax- "she's tryna take us. i just want kani back" it's the middle of the night and Grace came here with the cops.

Ma- "take them up stairs princess" I took them up to my old room.

Lena- "why can't we see kani, you told us he was in the hospital can we please just go see him"

Me- "not like that"

Lax- "are y'all gonna let her get us"

Me- "no of course not"

Lax- "i don't wanna go with her, she's bad"

Me- "you're not going to, you're gonna stay here"

Lena- "i just want kani, princess"

Me- "me too" I held them. After a while I heard the talking stop then my momma came in my room.

Ma- "ain't finna keep playin wit me"

Lax- "ma are we staying with you"

Ma- "of course. i'm not lettin anybody take y'all"

Lena- "why does she want us"

Ma- "for bad reasons baby, but it's late and y'all have to get up for school in the morning"

Lax- "princess can you stay and we sleep with you"

Me- "yea" we got under the covers and my momma turned the light off and closed the door on her way out.

Lena- "is kani gonna be ok?"

Me- "yes, we'll get to see him soon"

Lax- "we love you princess"

Me- "i love y'all too" I kissed each of their heads and we went to sleep.


Wednesday, March 6th


"ma'am she told us she was their mother and when we asked them they said yes"

Me- "YOU'RE ONLY SUPPOSED TO LET WHO'S ON THE LIST PICK THEM UP" I left the building and went back to my car to call the boys.

Me- "grace took em"

Chris- "what?"

Me- "grace came up to the school and took the twins"

Angel- "i'm finna kill dis bitch, cause hell naw"

Cory- "they were supposed to go over your house today?"

Me- "yes"

Cory- "do they have their stuff like their ipad or anything that we can track"

Me- "no i picked it up and brought it to my house already"

Eli- "don't they school give out computers and shit"

Me- "yea"

Angel- "go to the trap" we got off the phone and I headed there.

Me- "sekani so much is happening right now, please wake up. i really can't express how much i need you back here baby" I often talk to him outside of the hospital. I've been praying a lot more than I did. I've always prayed but I've been doing it more often.

I made it to the trap and their cars were already outside. I went in and somebody told me where the boys were.

Me- "find anything?"

Cory- "yea the signal weak as hell but we got a clue about where they are"

Me- "let me come"

Eli- "no. go see him, we'll bring them up to the hospital"

Me- "don't-"

Eli- "they need to see him sage, awake or not" I let out a sigh and we all left out. I drove to the hospital listening to one of Sekani's playlists. Once I got there I checked in and went back to his room. I sat down next to him like I usually do, grabbed his hand and started talking.

After about an hour the door opened and it was the twins. They came over to the bed and looked at him. I couldn't really read their faces, but it seemed like they didn't know how to feel. They went on each side of him and laid their heads on the bed.

I can't take looking at that. I got up and started crying trying to walk out the door.

Eli- "don't leave them like that"

Me- "eli i can't watch that"

Eli- "how you think they feel the first time seein they brother in almost a month and he like that, go back sage"

Me- "eli don't make me look at them and he's like that. the whole reason i never brought them up here was because i could barely take looking at him like this"

Eli- "sage you gotta understand that even tho yes sekani means a lot to you he means much more to them than he does to you. not to say he doesn't mean a lot to you but that's they fuckin deddy at this point. they little and don't know what the fuck is goin on. they need somebody if it's not sekani and you know if something is wrong you the next person they runnin to" I wiped my face

Eli- "so go in there and be with them" I turned around and went back in.

Lena- "he's waking up!" she said smiling but had tears in her eyes

Me- "lena i don-"

Lax- "kani?" he groaned. I almost passed out.

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