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Friday, November 10th


Me and Kani are at my house right now and the twins are at school. This boy has been messing with me since I got back from dropping them off.

Sekani- "but i love you sage"

Me- "yes i love you too" I said as I was standing on one side of the bed and he was on the others. We've been running around this apartment.

Me- "don't you have a class that starts soon"

Sekani- "you know i don't log into my classes on friday's"

Me- "go do that damn essay"

Sekani- "finished it"

Me- "when"

Sekani- "i woke up in the middle of the night so decided to finish it"

Me- "did you listen to your lecture recording and take notes for finance"

Sekani- "got five minutes of the lecture left"

Me- "go listen to em" he started slowly coming around the bed so I climbed on top and ran out and into the kitchen.

Sekani- "ok i just want a kiss"

Me- "i been kissin you all day"

Sekani- "we together. if i wanna kiss on you all day, let me"

Me- "no, i got work"

Sekani- "you just gon sit up hea and lie to my face"

Me- "i'm not. i got work for business"

Sekani- "no you don't"

Me- "i do. check my email" he pulled his phone out and checked

Sekani- "whateva" I walked past him and went into the work room. I sat down and opened my computer to start the assignment. He came in there and sat on the couch chair.

Me- "just gon watch me?" I asked looking at him through the mirror

Sekani- "yup cause i'm bored"

Me- "finish them notes"

Sekani- "i don't wannaaaaa"

Me- "kani it's five minutes" he got up and left. He came back five minutes later.

Sekani- "happy?"

Me- "umhm" he sat their on his phone as I did my work.

Me- "ok i'm done" he got up and came behind me. He bent down and put his arms over my shoulders.

Sekani- "we cute" he said squishing my cheeks with one of his hands.

Me- "what you cookin tonight"

Sekani- "shit" I rolled my eyes

Sekani- "have you packed yet?"

Me- "no"

Sekani- "we leave tuesday"

Me- "i know"

Sekani- "the twins missing school bothersssss me"

Me- "you told the teacher to send any work they'd miss"

Sekani- "i know"

Me- "so calm down. but forreal what are you cooking"

Sekani- "girl. what makes you think i wanna cook"

Me- "cause i want you to cook"

Sekani- "ok and?" I reached up and popped his forehead.

Me- "if yo women want you to cook fa ha you do it"

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