846 42 16

Monday, July 10th


So we're back at home. The reunion in all was good, Sekani ended up telling the aunts to calm down and they did. Right now I'm in my room at my moms house ordering furniture. Today I will be going over to the apartment because I ordered my refrigerator and stove already so they're putting it in today.

I know Sekani would wanna come with me but I'll be ok. I'm getting in the shower now.


Sekani- "why didn't you tell me you was goin ova there"

Me- "why do you know i was there"

Sekani- "why do you think you the only one that can see yo security camera footage"

Me- "creep."

Sekani- "no, i might see sum you don't and i need you to be ok at all times"

Me- "whatever but my stuff should be here by the end of the week"

Sekani- "ok. come over tho"

Me- "for what"

Sekani- "fuck you mean fa what, girl get cho ass ova hea"

Me- "no"

Sekani- "alexis we gon fight"

Me- "how bout no"

Sekani- "you just wanna start sum wit me" I laughed

Me- "maybe"

Sekani- "sage i'm forreal come overrr"

Me- "so i can watch you play the game?"

Sekani- "you can play too"

Me- "don't feel like it"

Sekani- "then yea you just gon be watchin"

Me- "whatever" and we got off the phone. I went to go pick some food up then headed over there.

Lena- "oo you got food" I shook my head and put the food on the table and went in Sekani room with his and my food.

Sekani- "thank you"

Me- "umhm" I sat against the headboard and he paused his game to look at me

Me- "what?"

Sekani- "you just wanna get popped"

Me- "how"

Sekani- "not gon give me a kiss nigga" I rolled my eyes and moved my food from in front of me to kiss him.

Sekani- "you good?"

Me- "yea"

Sekani- "you sure"

Me- "yes, are you ok"

Sekani- "i am" I nodded my head and he went back to his game while I watched and ate my food.

Me- "sekani yo food gon get cold"

Sekani- "ima eat it"

Me- "have you eaten anything today?"

Sekani- "no"

Me- "sekani"

Sekani- "ima eat sage"

Me- "eat nooowwww"

Sekani- "nooooo"

Me- "i swear i will unplug that game" he smacked his lips and cut the game off. I left out his room to throw my trash away and then came back.

Sekani- "lay down against the headboard" I did and he laid down between my legs. I went to Netflix and put on a movie then he started eating. I let him finish eating and he went to throw his trash away then came back but this time he turned to face me and put his arms around me and laying his head on my stomach.

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