4. 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍

Start from the beginning

She was getting a little annoyed "No we don't Naruto. I'm okay with doing kisses on the cheek but actually kissing... I need to think about that. Last time you ambushed me! I did not consent to that".

He rolled his eyes "I did it because Kiba was watching us!"

Sasuke looked confused "Kiba was at the game?".

Naruto glared at him through the rear view mirror, trying to give him that knowing look to not blow his cover, "Yes....he was. But he left the second he saw me and princess kissing".

Sasuke knew that was a damn lie!
"So no kissing, at all? Not even at parties? Hinata this is not gonna look believable", he quickly pleaded and turned to her before looking back at the road.
"Look, for now we can just kiss on the cheek, if we do kiss it's only when I say so, alright?". She needed to be stern about this.

He looked at the girl with frustration, he couldn't deny he had been thinking about the kiss they shared. He could tell she got lost in for it a minute and so did he. Of course he wanted to kiss her again, but she had a point -it was an ambush. He'll wait his turn for another little makeout session...

Naruto pulled into the parking garage and went up some levels until they were on the third one. He pulled into a spot.

They all got out of the car and entered the mall.

"Okay so how do we create this story" he asked as he casually put his arm around Hinata's shoulder, looking back at her and his friends for an answer.

" Well first things first it needs to look like you two are getting to know each other, going on dates but not being so handsy. It needs to seem like you two are just starting to go out, NOT hooking up". Sasuke said

They both nodded, Hinata spoke, "That's true- we don't know each other, even though we share many friends".

Naruto didn't know a lot of people, simply because he wasn't paying too much attention. All these years he probably heard Hinata's name more than once at a party or a cyph but was too high or drunk to actually care. He didn't know her because he didn't care not only to know her but to really know anyone. He spent all of time trying to forget life was a thing .....

They walked through the initial department store and viewed the rest of the shops on the third level.
"Alright so what's the plan for right now? What are we doing here?" Hinata asked confused.

"Well we thought your first activity could be something simple. When Sasuke and I first started talking, for our first hang out we went to the mall".

"Besides shopping, what else are we gonna do here?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke rolled his eyes eyes "Malls are great place to walk around and TALK. You need to figure out the story between you two and also learn basic things about each other in case people ask".

This was true, if they were to attend events together in the future than conversation about their relationship would come up.

"So learn what you do and don't like, how you two ''met' and what actually attracts you two each other".

"And what will you guys do in the mean time?".

"We'll be trailing behind and if there's any disagreements between you two so we can help".

"Why would we have any disagreements?" Naruto barked.
They both looked at Naruto as if his question was a joke, "Because you're Naruto".

Hinata giggled. It lightened Narutos mood over his friends comments. He also liked that she didn't tell him to move his arm off of her shoulder.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now