Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 oh yeah

I wake up and I check my phone and I have a bunch of texts from randy.

Megan , please take me back

Why aren't you answering you little slut

Are you cheating on me you fucking whore

The all said the same things just like that. I sigh and I change into jeans and a shirt. I go to the main part of the hotel room and Aj , Paige , dean , Roman and Seth eating breakfast. " Megan your awake!" Paige said smiling. " hey what's for breakfast?" I ask them. " we got two choices , either pancakes with fruit or waffles with fruit" Seth said. " I'll have both I'm hungry , is there bacon?" I ask. " yup we ordered extra because we know how much you love it" roman said chuckling. I laugh and roll my eyes. " did randy text you or anything?" Paige asks me. " yeah , he called me a bunch of names and he said that he's also cheating on me with Alicia , Eva and summer Rae" I said looking down. " You don't need him Megan , he's stupid , you could do way better then him , he's not worth getting upset" Seth said. I smile and we eat. " okay main event is tomorrow night when are we going to the next city?" I ask. " after we finish eating we will pack our stuff and we will go on the bus with everyone here and one of the guys will drive" Aj said. " alrighty" I said and I finish eating. I go to my room and I pack my stuff and clean the room a bit more. I take my bags to the main room.

We get all the bags into the bus and roman start driving to our next location which wouldn't take long. Aj , Paige , Seth , dean and I are chilling in the lounge area. " what should we do?" I ask. " lets play truth or dare!" Paige said. " I'm out , I'm married and I know there will be kissing involved so ill referee" Aj said and I laugh. " okay I'll go first meg truth or dare?" Paige asked. " truth" I said. " Do you like any guy in WWE besides randy" she asks. " first of all I HATE randy now and not really"i said and they nod. " Seth truth or dare" I say and smirk. " truth" he said. " ok , do you like any divas?" I ask him. " yeah I do , she's a great girl but she would never go for me" he said. " awe that's cute" I said and he blushes. we continue playing for a bit.

We get to the location after 4 hours of roman driving. " I'm going to the arena early who wants to come with me?" I ask everyone. " I'll go , I can beat randy if he comes near you" Seth said. I laugh and nod " alright sure" I said , I grab my bag that has my gear in it and I wait for Seth.

Seth and I make our way into the arena and we gets stares from random people. " why are people staring at us were not even together" I said and groan. he shrugs and we go to his locker room. " I gotten change , can you stand outside? I'll lock the door" I said and he shakes his head no. " do it seth" I said and he sighs and stands right outside my door and I quickly change. after I change I unlock the door and I go out but Seth's not there " Seth?!?" I shout looking for him. I get pulled into a closet " having security won't help you I can still have you" I hear. " let me go randy or I'll beat your ass" I said. " nope , I love you Megan and since were in Las Vegas well we are going to a chapel and we are going to get married to matter what" he said. " Fine lets go" I said. " Get on my back" he said.

I get on his back and I put my head in the crook of his neck. He passes Seth and I keep my head down. we get out of the arena and he throws me in the back of his car. " To the chapel!" He shouts. I groan and he drives to the chapel.

The car stops moving and he opens the door and drags me out. He takes me into the chapel and there's a lady at the front " hey welcome to the chapel , how many I help you" she asks. " We want to get married today" randy says. " alright , I need your marriage papers and $200 and do you have rings?" She said. He hands her everything and he holds the rings. " Well sweetie your gonna need a veil come with me" she said. I fake smile and she takes me Into a room , I check my phone and I see I have a bunch of texts from Seth

Where are you?

I respond with

Randy took me to a chapel , were still here come and get me before were married for good

I put the veil on and she gives me some flowers and I walk down the chapels isle. I get there and I wait for Seth. " do you have any vows?" She asks randy and i. " Yes , Megan when we first met I knew that you were the love of my life and I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life" he said and I fake smiled and he put on my ring. " Wait I forgot something , does anyone object to the marriage between these two?" She asks the witnesses. Seth barges in " I do!" He shouts. I smirk and pull off the ring " in what terms?" The lady asks. " I'm in love with her and she's being forced to marry this man" Seth said. " is it true?" She asks me. " yes he is , we were dating and then I caught him cheating on me and I tried to leave but he wouldn't let me" I said and she let me. I took off the veil and I ran with Seth and we hoped in his car. " was the part were you said that your in love with me true?" I ask him. he doesn't answer me " Seth are you in love with me?" I ask him. " Megan you just got cheated on I'm not answering that" he said and drove. " don't make me call you by your actual name" I said. " fine yes meg I am in love with you, I have been for awhile" he said. " Seth why didn't you tell me?" I ask him. " I'm not answering that" he said. " Colby Lopez tell me why you didn't tell me that your in love with me" I said. " fine it's because you were with randy and I couldn't stand him , I knew he would hurt you and I wanted to be there when he did and I was but I didn't tell you because you got cheated on" he explained. " oh , Seth you should have told me when we met" I said. " I was too nervous" he said. We get to the arena and I get bombarded with questions. " calm down!" I shout.

We go to the locker room and I answer all the questions. " I was very close to being married and then Seth barges in and objects to the marriage and now were here" I said. we talk for a bit more and then I go out for my match.

After my match that I won and I go back stage and I bump into seth. " hey lets go to my locker room" he said and we go to his locker room and we talk for a bit. " So how's life?" He asks awkwardly. I laugh and smile " it's been better" I said and smile. he nods and we talk for a bit more.

We go to catering and I grab some healthy food. " aren't you going to grab some pizza?" He asks me. " no I'm gonna start eating healthier" I said. he feels my forehead " are you feeling ok meg?" He asks. I laugh and nod " yes I'm fine seth" I said and laughed. I eat my fruit and the show is finished and so Seth and I grab our stuff and go to the bus. Everyone's on the bus and we just chill for abit. " so meg who do you think you'd be dating if you didn't say yes to randy?" Aj asks. " I don't know there's ally of superstars but most of them are married or in relationships so I don't know" I said. " okay if it were between randy , Seth and dean who would you choose?" Paige asks. " not randy , I don't know dean that well so it would have to be Seth because he saved me from marrying randy" I said. I look over at him and his head is down and I can tell he's blushing. We talk for a bit more and everyone except Seth goes to bed. " so you think you'd be dating me if you didn't say yes to randy?" He asks. " yeah I mean you did save me and you said that your In love with me and your really sweet and you look like a good cuddler" I said smiling. he chuckles and moves closer to me " meg I've liked you since before you came to the WWE , I saw everyone of your matches on NXT , CZW and ROH your an amazing wrestler and you get dangerous when you get handed a mic" he said. " you watched everyone I my matches when I was in the indies?" I ask him. " yeah I did" he said. " wow , I watched most of your matches on NXT" I said. we talk for a hitch more and then we decided to watch a movie and we cuddled and fell asleep cuddling together.

I hope you like it , I'm sorry I didn't update it I had no internet at home again


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