Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I just ended my dean Ambrose fanfiction today and I feel really sad but I got far with it. so lets get started on getting this just as popular! Just imagine her gear like lita's cargo pants but a shirt like Aj's or Paige's

I wake up and I look around. There's not much around, I smell bacon and eggs so I get up out of the bed and I go the kitchen area of his bus. " good morning megan" randy said. I wipe my eyes and I look at him " what's so good about it?" I ask him. " I don't know" he said shrugging. I laugh and I sit down at the table. " what's for breakfast?" I ask him. " Bacon and omelettes with bacon in them" he said. " oooh sounds good" I said smiling.

I finish eating and we sit down in the front part and chat for a bit. Then we hear a HUGE knock on the door of the bus. I go to get up but randy stops me , he stands up and opens the door. " yeah she's here" he said and then walked back on with Aj and Paige who look pissed. " why didn't you come back? We got our bus early" Aj said. " I'm sorry I was falling asleep here and awesome" I said. I say good bye to randy and Alanna then we leave to our bus and we get ready to leave to Arizona.

" So who's going to drive it first?" Aj asks. " I'll do it" I said and I went to the front and started driving and they just talked while I drived the crazy 10 hours to Phoenix Arizona from LA. "you okay driving 10 hours?" Aj asks me. " yep I'm fine I've driven like this before" I said. " alright , were going to bed" she said. " okay" I said and I drove and drove.

We finally get there and it's the middle of the next day. I drive to the arena and there's buses already there. I park the car and we get out and stretch. I look around and then I see randy get off his bus " Megan your here!" He said and I smile and nod. " I'm going to go see randy" I said to Aj and she just nodded. I walk over to his bus " hey how was your drive?" He asks me. " it was good , I drove all the way" I said. " me too" he said. " It's only because it's just you and Alanna" I said. " true that" he said which made me laugh. " are you going to work out later? We have the day off" I asked him. " yeah wanna come with me?" He asks. " yeah sure let me go change first" I said. "okay" he said and I walked to my bus and I changed into work out clothes. I go back to his bus and he's standing there in shorts and no shirt. " really no shirt?" I ask. " it's really hot out" he said. I just laugh and we get a rental car and he drives to a gym.

As soon as we get into the gym I hop on the treadmill and I listen to my music. someone hops on next to me and I take out an ear bud. " Hey" the deep voice says. I turn my head and standing there is roman reigns " hello" I said. " so what's your name?" He asks me. " Megan , I'm a wrestler as well" I said. " yeah I saw you wrestle yesterday" he said. " cool" I said. " so who are you traveling with?" He asks me. " Oh Paige and Aj but randy drove me here" I said. " as in orton?" He asks. " yeah we're going to be in a storyline together in 2 weeks" I said. " he's tough to work with" he said. " so I've heard" I said. we talk for a bit and then randy walks over " I'm going back to the buses you coming?" He asks. " yeah" I said and hopped off and we drove back to the busses.

We get back to the busses and I go to my bus and nobody is there. I look on the counter and there's a note on it and it says ' Megan , we went to the arena , there's a live show tonight , we'll be our locker room - Paige and Aj'. I change into my sweats and a crop top and I grab my Duffle bag with my gear in it and I walk into the arena through the back. I walk to our locker room and Aj , Paige , Emma , and Alicia fox are all hanging out. " your here!" Alicia said hugging me. " hey foxy" I said laughing. we sit down and talk for a bit.

After talking for an hour there's a knock on the door. I open the door and standing there is randy " oh hey randy what's up?" I ask him. " Stephanie wants to talk to us" he said. " okay just a second" I said. I go back in " I have to speak to Stephanie so I'll be back in a bit" I said. " okay have fun!" Emma said. " gee thanks" I said and laughed.

I walked with randy to Stephanie's office. we walk in and we sit down " what did you need us for?" I ask her. " Creative wants to move up the day you two start the storyline" she said. " okay to when?" I ask. " tonight" she said. " really?" I ask. " yes, you and Paige will have a match together against the bella twins and then at the end when you loose randy will come out and help you up and he'll kiss you and you'll kiss back" she said. " okay that's all?" He asks. " after you guys get back stage renee will ask you two about the kiss and you'll tell everyone that you two are together" she said. " okay" I said. We leave her office " so we'll kiss tonight" he said awkwardly. " yeah I guess so" I said. " Wanna practice?" He asks. I laugh " no it's okay just not having practice" I said. he frowns " what you wanted to kiss me?" I ask him. " kinda" he said. I smile and move closer , I look up at him and he looks down. I move my head closed to his ear " nope you'll have to wait" I said and skipped to my locker room.

I get back and the girls are all sill there. " what did she want?" Aj asks me. " they moved the day of the storyline starting to tonight and we have to kiss" I said. " really?" Paige asks. " yeah , after we left randy wanted to practice and I teased him and skipped here" I said. " that's my girl" Aj said. I laugh and we wait til our match.

Paige and I are making our way down the ramp and the bella twins are already in the ring. I start against Brie and I kick her and few times but she kicks me too. I fall on the mat and she tags in Nikki and she picks me up and tries to do the rack attack but I get out and tag in paige. Paige kicks Nikki's butt and then Nikki elbows Paige in the face and Paige falls down and she gets up and kicks Nikki and tags me in. I jump in and elbow Nikki and she falls down. I try to do the Rko but it turns into the rack attack and she gives me it and pins me and they leave the ring and kicks Paige over and over. Then randy comes out , he gets in the ring and he picks me up. He holds my waist and I look into his eyes and he pulls me closed " let's do this babe" he whispers and I move closer and he closes the gap and we kiss. the crowd cheers and then randy helps me and Paige back stage.

We get back stage and randy and I walk to the place where renee is interviewing us. Her and the cameras walk in and they start filming. " at this moment I am here with Megan" she started.

I move closer to her and I hear cheers from where we were. " hey renee" I said smiling. " you just lost your match and randy Orton came out can you tell us all what that was all about?" She asks. " yeah randy and I kissed , and I enjoyed it" I said and then randy walked closer. " you did?" He ask. " Yeah of course" I said. he smiles " so what is going on between the two of you?" She asks. " wanna tell them?" Randy asks. " yeah , randy and I are dating and we have been for a few weeks and were ready to let everyone know" I said. he smiles " how did this all come about?" She asks. " we met at the gym in LA and we talked and I guess we fell in love" randy said. " yeah that day my life changed for the better" I said. I look at randy and he smiles and I look into his eyes. " well I think the fans love that you two are together" renee said. " I'm happy too" randy said. I smile and I lean in and we kiss again and the cameras turn off and we continue.

I pull away and I blush and then randy and I walk back to the locker room. We open the door and the girls are standing there. " Hey what's up?" I ask. They just smile " you two are so cute!" Aj said and I laugh. " how?" I ask. " you guys kissed even after they shut the cameras off" she said. " how did you know!" I said. " Nikki told me" she said. " oh" I said. Randy smiles and we chill for a bit.

After the show was done we go to the bus and chill for a bit and then we all go to bed.

Hey hope you liked it! I kept looking at the word count the hole time.

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