Chapter 1!

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First chapter to an amazing journey to come! This is my second wrestling fanfiction and I have major writers block so I'm sorry if it's boring and please let me know if you like it or what I should change

My names Megan and I'm starting my new job , what is your new job you might be thinking well I just got moved from NXT to WWE and I am very excited to start.

I'm making my way to my boss Stephanie's office to speak to her about everything that's going to happen like if I'm going to be a valet for anyone or if I'm just going to go straight to wrestling. I stop at a door that has her name on it and I Knock. " come in" I hear her say nicely. I open the door and she stands up and smile " ah Megan welcome to the WWE" she said walking up to me. " thank you Stephanie , I am happy to be here" I said smiling. " come sit down" she said. I sit down in a chair infront of her and she hands me a folder " this has every thing in it, like your ring name and when your getting in the ring" she said. " okay thank you" I said. " and if you want to change your gear you can go to Sandra for that I'm sure another diva will show you" she said. I stand up and she does too and I make my way to the door. " thank you for this opportunity , I will not disappoint you" I said opening the door. " have a good day Megan" she said smiling. I walk out of the door but I walk into someone , I look up and look into nice brown eyes " um sorry" I said. " it's alright just watch where your going" he said I smile and then walk out again. 'Well that was weird' I thought.

I make my way to catering and everyone is there. a short girl wearing a black shirt and jean shorts. " hey I'm Aj lee" she said holding her hand out. I shake her " I'm Megan and it's my first day here" I said. " welcome to WWE Megan" she said. " thank you I'm glad to be here" I said. " do you want me to show you the way to Sandra?" She asks me. " yeah sure" I said and she started skipping which made me have to skip too. " do you skip everywhere?" I ask her. " yeah pretty much" she said. I laugh and we get to Sandra.

" Hey Sandra" Aj said. " hey Aj who's this girl?" Sandra asks. " I'm Megan I'm new" I said. " welcome Megan" she said. " thank you" I said. " Megan needs gear" Aj said. " alright well Megan , write down your ideas and then bring them to me and then I can do them and you can try them on and choose which one" she said. " okay thank you Sandra" I said and I took the paper and pen. Aj and I made our way to catering and we sat down and I started writing stuff down " so what do you have to far?" She asks me. " black cargo pants and a bright coloured shirt, camo cargo pants and I bright shirt or purple cago pants and a purple shirt" I said. "I think you should wear purple cargo pants and a purple shirt" Aj said. " okay , lets take this to sandra" I said getting up. We walk to Sandra and we give her the list " alright Megan , I will call you when everything is done, write down your number here" she said and I wrote down my cell number.

We walked to the divas locker room and every diva was there. " who's this?" Paige walked up and asked Aj. " Paige this is Megan , Megan this is Paige" Aj introduced us. " Nice to meet you Megan ,what's your ring name?" She asks me. " oh it's meg" I said looking at the paper. " oh cool , well welcome to the WWE , we are now your best friends" Paige said smiling. " awesome , I've always wanted friends just like myself" I said. " your a nerd and a freak like us?" Aj asked. " yeah , I dress in dark clothes but I love comic books and playing video games , I'm just like both of you mixed together" I said. " Awesome" Paige said. I laugh and we talk to other divas like Emma , nattie and Alexa bliss (yeah I'm bringing Alexa into this fanfiction because she's the

" So meg , how long were you in NXT?" Emma asks me. " I was there for 5 years and I was the NXT women's champ twice and it was amazing and when Stephanie called and said I was moving up I cried" I explained. " I think we all did meg" Paige said. I laugh and we continue talking for a bit. " So meg I heard you ran into randy earlier" Emma said. " oh yeah I did , it was awkward" I said. " I bet" nattie said. " he was kinda rude" I pointed out. " He's like that, when I first met him he was so mean" Aj said. " will he at least warm up to me?" I ask her. " I've known him most of my life and yeah he will" Nattie said. I smile " good" I said.

Stephanie comes into the locker room. " Megan can you come to my office with Paige?" She asks me. " yeah of course" I said and she left. " well Paige lets go to the bosses office" I said standing up. we both go go her office and randy is siting there in a chair 'oh god no' I thought. " Megan , Paige please sit" she said. I sat beside randy with Paige on the other side of me " I bet you three are wondering why you are in my office" she said. " yes I am" Paige said. " me too" I added. " well meg your debut is coming earlier then thought because you , Paige and randy have a match against Nikki , Brie and Daniel" she said. " really?" I asked shocked. " yes and it's before the main event tonight" she said. " okay well thank you" I said and we all left. Paige and I went to the locker room and I put on my NXT gear and she puts on hers and we get ready and wait for our match.

Paige , randy and I are in Randy's locker room and a tech guy comes in " meg , Paige and randy your match is next" he said and left. " well lets do this" randy said and we made our way to the curtain.

We get to the curtain and randy goes first and he does his thing. Paige goes and she does her thing and I look at the tv about the curtain and everyone looks confused and my music goes off and everyone is screaming and chanting 'Meg' over and over again. I smirk and get into the ring and the rest come out and randy starts against Daniel and then Daniel tags in Brie and then randy tags me in and I hop into the ring.

I beat Brie up and then I tag Paige in and she does the Paige turner and gets a 3 count. I get into the ring and we raise our hands and Paige and I hug " good job Paige" I said into her ear. " it was mostly you girl" she said smiling. " good job girls" randy said.

We get back to our locker room and then we pack everything up " do you have a travel partner yet?" Paige asks me. " no I don't" I said. " you can travel with me and Aj if you want" she said. " really?"i ask her. " yeah I'm sure , your our best friend now" she said and we went to our hotel. We chill for a bit and then go to bed.

Hey guys how did you like chapter 1?

The vipers loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora