"Break off your contacts with her. You're her next target." They sternly told Ryujin.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little experimenting. Plus, why would I waste such an opportunity to get to know that beautiful girl?" Ryujin shrugged.

"That's what all of Yeji's exes said too." Chaeryeong said. Ryujin looked at the girl, watching her nod her head.

"Trust me, I'm not heartbroken so easily." Ryujin said.

"Don't tell us, we didn't warn you."

"Whatever happens is on me. She's not going to be able to break my heart." Ryujin replied with confidence.

After school ended, Ryujin returned home. When she opened the door, she found her parents watching TV in the living room.

"How was it?" Her mother asked, fixing her gaze on the front door.

"It was good. I need to get my luggages, I'm moving into the dorms." Ryujin explained.

"I remember being in the dorms once too, my roommate became my best friend. Who's still my best friend up until now." Ryujin's mother said.

"You sound old." Ryujin joked, making her mom roll her eyes.

"You're getting old too. When you reach 21, you'll start to age faster than you think." Ryujin's father joined.

Ryujin smiles before heading up the stairs to her room. Her room was already filled with backpacks and luggages that she had packed from last night.

When she brings all of her luggages out to the front door, she waves her goodbye.

"Okay guys, I'm gonna get going now." Ryujin said, walking out the door with the luggages.

"Stay safe!" Her parents said before she closed the door.

Ryujin struggled putting the heavy luggages in the trunk of her car. After she puts everything away she starts to drive to the dormitory.

She asked the front desk for a key before heading to her room which was on the 5th floor. The building consisted of 6 floors, the higher your room is, the more spacious the dorm was.

She takes the elevator to the 5th floor and opens the front door. She sees luggages already laying around, which probably meant that her roommate was probably inside. She closes the door after she places her things inside the room.

She didn't find her roommate in the bedroom. But she heard water running in the bathroom.

She's probably taking a shower. Ryujin thought.

Well, at least she knew her dorm mate was hygienic.

To waste time, Ryujin starts organizing her luggages and taking out her necessities. Being greeted by a familiar girl coming out of the bathroom.

"Oh, you're my dorm mate?" Ryujin said, trying to keep her eyes away from the water dripping to her cleavage.

"Hi Ryujin." Yeji said.

Yeji was wearing baggy clothes at school, Ryujin never would've thought that her body would look just as good as her beautiful face. Well, she only saw a glimpse of her almost naked body.

"What a surprise." Yeji smiled, drying her hair with the spare towel in her spare hand.

"I won't look," Ryujin said, sitting on the side of the bed. Her back facing the other girl.

"I don't mind if you look, we're both girls anyways." Yeji said, taking the towel off of her body. Finding pajamas in her luggage.

Ryujin couldn't get herself to look, she is a respectful woman. Well, her mind wasn't.

"I appreciate you not looking." Yeji said after she put her clothes on.

"It's only what a respectful person would do." Ryujin said before grabbing a towel to head to the restroom.

Yeah, I totally didn't struggle trying not to look at that body. Ryujin thought to herself.

"I love a respectful woman." Yeji boldly said. Instantly making Ryujin's face flush.

Ryujin pretends she doesn't hear Yeji, closing the door. Ryujin didn't think this girl would have such an affect on her. They were just simple words, nothing more.

Ryujin turns on the water before taking off her clothes.

"I am not respectful at all." Ryujin whispered to herself, letting the warm water run down her body.

Yeji smiled at Ryujin's character. She's found herself a target.

a/n: more info on yeji in this chapter.

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