▪︎■ 53 || Bonus ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

To think that two former mafia leaders could live an ordinary life right by the coast of Gibraltar- a small country in Europe, had been beyond me for a long time. Now I knew it was unfamiliar but nevertheless- possible.

It had been important to me to pick a safe country in which the people spoke english as well as spanish. Therefore Erlina wouldn't forget her mother tongue all along the way.

If she wasn't going to be able to live in Colombia, she at least should be able to speak spanish to keep at least a part of her ethnitic origin.

One month had passed since Adrin and I supposedly died and although both of us were at peace for the first time in forever, it was hard in the beginning.

I mean, it was only natural for us to be somewhat overwhelmed by the sudden freedom and the refreshingly normal, boring life. It took some time to realise that boring wasn't bad- it meant peace and we just weren't used to that. Also we really couldn't compare a normal life to our former one's- we just had to accustomate to that new, undoubtably healthier standart.

At first I noticed how I had no idea who I even was, what I liked- like simple hobbies and daily habits.

Turned out I loved to sleep in since I was able to sleep with Adrin by my side- or also not able to sleep, both were great. I liked dogs just like Adrin, so we got one a few days ago. I was far too impatient to read all the books I promised myself to read, but Adrin was seen around the house with his nose inside a book all the time. Also, I kind of awakened my inner mom that loved to do yoga, crochet and do puzzles with my daughter. I loved to sing, even though I was terrible at it but it was fun to have our weekly karaoke night at home with the whole family. And I loved Adrin, for many reasons but him enduring my horrible scream-singing and all that with a smile made me appreciate his ass a ton more. He was just great and one of the things I didn't change my mind about.

We had found a nice kindergarten for Elia but I still couldn't stop worrying about her. I would never let myself forgive nor forget what she had to see and live through back in Russia and she still hadn't told me anything about what they had done to her while they kept her hostage. It pained me to say that she had changed since that day...

I felt two strong arms sneaking around my waist from the back and I felt him placing a kiss onto my neck, then the top of my head shortly after.

Without hesitation I leaned against him, knowing he was right there and strong enough to catch me, closing my eyes as I put my hand on top of his.

"Stop worrying so much, amore." I heard my man's soothing voice before I saw him after turning around inside his arms.

By now he knew me so well that sometimes it scared me, but our connection was too raw and beautiful to run from it.

We were alone inside the little house, Elia already gone to go to her kindergarten and the both of us had enough money for two lifetimes to not go work anywhere. Maybe later if we would get bored enough, but right now we just enjoyed our togetherness.

"You're awake already?" I asked softly.

"I am. Your thoughts were loud enough to wake me up." He answered, half joking half serious. "Do you want to talk? Coffee, snacks and a massage. What do you think, mh?"

I loved how supportive he was- not just now but the whole time. He was patient with Elia, patient with me and although he wasn't as patient with himself than with others, we were working on that.

I smiled. "Sounds perfect."


"Amore?" He murmured softly after a longer moment of comfortable silence between us, pausing the earlier conversation we had.

"Mh?" I answered, eyes closed, laying on the bed- on my stomach in my underwear. His warm hands spread the oil on my back while he kneaded my tense muscles.

"Do you also... think about our future?" He asked and I smiled when I realised that he was a little nervous.

"Of course I do," I answered softly.

"Yea?" He asked and I heard the grin through his voice.


"I was just wondering how you think about... children." He sounded a bit tense now and I felt myself reacting to it instantly, mirroring his mood. Still we were in the same position where he massaged me, hovering over me.

"I... Honestly, I don't think I want any more kids. Do you?"

He let out a little breath sounding releaved. "I'm glad you said that, amore. You're the only person on this planet that I would want to experience this with, but I really can't imagine myself having biological kids... I love you and Erlina and that's exactly why I'm releaved to know you think the same way as I do. I was afraid it would maybe be a reason for you to leave."

I knew exactly what he meant and I was honestly as relieved as he was. It was important to know about whether your partner and you were compatible concerning your future plans, but we unfortunately skipped a few steps when we started dating.

I sat up now, face to face with him. "I won't leave you. I love you too much to do that." I smiled slightly, then kissed him to empathize my affection towards him. His eyes roamed over my face with a soft look inside them after we parted.

"You're so beautiful, inside and out," he said as softly as his eyes took me in. My heart swelled and warmth spread through my body, feeling like swarm of bees.

"Softie," I answered, teasing him while I was the one getting flushed, smiling widely.

Instead of answering he just mirrored my smile, flashing me those damn angelic dimples and I couldn't stop myself from kissing him again.


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Just a little fluff and insight into their life now <3 I love me some good smut but I thought some innocent fluff would be something else 💌

Also: do you have a wish for what will happen in the last bonus chapter? I have some ideas but nothing all too specific in mind so I'm down for any ideas :)

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