▪︎■ 23 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

I stormed through the exit, straight to my car.
When I sat behind the wheel, I took a deep breath. My head hurt so badly I wanted to puke.


My eyes widened in realisation. I left my child alone. In her state. She must've been miserable, sad, angry, confused...
Disappointed. My heart clenched, strong, I was sure I would never let myself forget what I did. I was deeply disappointed in myself. I hated growing up with my father always being away from home. I never should have spend the night away from her.

I started the car and drove. I drove as if there was no tomorrow, wanted to reach Erlina as soon as possible.


I hastily got out of my car, then ran to the bodyguards in front of my door.

"Where is Erlina?" I asked harshly, authority dripping from my tongue.

"Inside your office, boss."

I pushed past them and ran into the house. Next, to the stairs, taking two steps at a time, then rushing further forward until I was in front of my office's door.

My hand grabbed the knob and a second later I saw my desk and Erlina sitting on the floor, playing with some puppets.

Miguel sat on my office chair and shot up from my seat with wide eyes, obviously feeling caught. I had other worries than my right hand sitting on my chair.

"Boss!" He exclaimed.

I quickly walked over to my daughter, sitting down onto the carpet.

She looked up to me and my heart shattered. My girl looked hurt.

"Erlina, amor, I'm so sorry," I said, looking at her, desperate to make it up to her, even though I knew very well there was nothing that could make it undone.

"You left me! I knew it!" She screamed at me, voice shaking with sadness. I thought about her dream again and felt the tears inside my eyes. The shame settling inside my gut.

I did this to her. I drank. I abandoned her.

"I'm so, so sorry, baby. Mama was... No, I have no excuse, I should have been here with you. I promise, it's not going to happen again, okay?"

She cried now. "I hate you!"

My heart shattered. I wasn't even angry. She was in the right all the way.

"Do you- do you want to be alone for a while?" I asked.

"No!" She exclaimed. "Don't go again! I don't like you right now but don't go! I'm angry but I want you to hold me!"

I gulped. "Okay, pequeña. I'll stay. Come here..." My arms were open for her to come cuddle if she really wanted to.

Hesitating, she came crawling to me and climbed onto my lap. "Don't go now!"

"I won't, I promise I won't," I assured, with a calm voice.

"Boss?" I almost forgot Miguel until he softly asked for me.

Chupacabra | 18+ | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora