"Could use some work tho-" he smirks and I roll my eyes

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"Could use some work tho-" he smirks and I roll my eyes.
"Ready to move on the canvas?" He asks and I nod. I follow him and we grab a few things in the back and I take an easel next to his.
"Umm.. Do I start by sketching or doing something or... I don't know.. What do I start with?" I ask embarrassed.
"Normally you would have to cover with a layer of white but they already do that part. Now you outline. If it's easier you can separate it in little squares and you transfer it on the canvas." He explains.
"I think I'm good on that part.." I think out loud taking out a 6H and started to transfer it by just doing the big lines. Bakugo stands there just watching me.
"Aren't you going to work on yours?" I ask looking at him and realize our face were almost touching so I back up a little.
"I spend my days here, I'll have no problem catching up." He says with a smirk and I sigh.
I focus and soon enough I'm done.
"What do I do now?"

The rest of the period goes on like that and he mostly showed me how to hold the brush mix the colours and how to use the oil. Now I was stuck on something...
"How can you not get this! It's like the easiest thing their is! You literally were able to write numbers and do shadowing and you can't use the fucking spatula!?" He whisper shouts annoyed.
"I'm sorry this shit is hard!" I say in my defence.
"No it isn't!" He says pulling his hair and waking in circles.
"Okay, show me again then!" I say irritated.
"You take it." He takes my hand and shoves the thing in it. "You use the back of it to grab the paint" he says pulling my hand around. "And then you slowly put it and the more you move the more pressure you put!" He says following his words.
"Okay okay I can try on my own-" I grumble taking possession of my hand once again and trying what he did.
"See? I did it-" I say annoyed and then I look back at it. "I did it!!?" I say excited.
"Ain't that hard is it!?" He smirks and I shake my head.

The bell rings.
We all put our things back in place except the canvas's that are left on the easel to dry. Someone puts them away later on apparently.
"Thank you Kacchan! I guess you earn one point so 3-1!" I smile at him and he scoffs.
"Whatever-" He smirks and I leave the classroom with Uraraka and Tsu.
"You guys were so close! I swear you guys will end up together!!" Uraraka squeals and I sigh loudly.
"Yeah, and we're close right now, dose it mean anything? No. So same thing for him except that with him I want to scratch his face off!" I say and someone wraps his hand around my shoulders.
"Kinky~" He teases and I glare at him removing his arm from me.
"Shut up and get yourself a boyfriend- oh wait- no one wants to fuck you huh? Damn I almost feel bad for you!" I say wiping an imaginary tear.
"Fuck you!" He spats at me and I smile brightly.
"You'd like to do that wouldn't you?" I say with a smirk and he grabs my collar.
"Stop this game before you fucking regret it Deku." He says in a menacing voice. Will I show that he's scaring the shit out of me? No!
"Honestly it doesn't feel like playing, it lacks umm... *pretends to think* competition~" I smirk confidently.
"You little-" He grumbles annoyed and holding my collar tighter making me get closer to him.
"Let go. Now." I say firmly.
"Why would I do that?" He smirks raising an eyebrow.
"Because people are watching. When the teacher arrive I wonder what it'll look like if the great Katsuki Bakugo is holding like this the new kid. I could maybe had a cherry on top of that saying how mean you are~" I smirk and he let's go with a 'tsk'.
"Bye Kacchan!" I wave goodbye joining my friends but I stop and turn back to him.
"4-1" I yell to him with a proud grin as he looks at me with a death glare.

"You really have some guts-" Uraraka laughs.
"I don't. I was sure I was gonna die!" I admit in a whine making them laugh.
"So are you guys feeling like eating outside today? Mina texted me to know if we wanted to join them." Uraraka explains and we agree.
I then notice something I should have noticed a long time ago. They were holding hands!!!
"YOU GUYS GOT TOGETHER!?!" I yell with a huge smile and they both blush looking away. I then notice people looking.
"Oh sorry.. I was loud.." I mumble embarrassed.
"But yea, Midoriya-kun, we are officially together." Tsu says with a smile.
"Oh and by the way guys please call me Izuku! It sounds formal when you call me Midoriya!" I smile as they nod.

The rest of the way we chatted and I saw my uncle wave at me from afar.
"Hey, I'm gonna join you after if it's okay!" I wave goodbye as I run to my uncle.
"Hey!" I smile at him and he gives me a fist bump.
"So, your mom called and apparently you haven't been answering her calls?" He says waiting for a confirmation and I look all over my pockets and notice it wasn't there.
"I must have forgotten my phone in class! I'll talk to you later!" I say quickly going back to the classroom. When I get in I get slam on the wall.
"You know, you're really getting on my nerves." I look and see Kacchan who was pinning me on the wall I was frozen.
"What? Cats got your tongue?" He smirks amused.
"You know, the only reason I hate your guts is cause you have no respect. And if you do, you show it really poorly. So stop acting superior to everyone and get fucking help!" I bark at him and I feel a tear fall.
"Oh and your a fucking crybaby on top of that?" He spats back.
"Yeah I fucking am! So just let me go... please..." I mumble the last part.
"No." He says firmly.
I just sit there is silence.
"Not until you stop crying. We can't see your eyes well when you do.." He mumbles wiping my tears and I just freeze.
"Was that an indirect compliment!?" I say with a small playful smile.
"Whatever helps you sleep better at night~" He smirks slowly letting go of me.
"Oh and I believe you came back for this?" He smirks pulling out my phone from his pocket.
"I'll call you later, I got your number~" He smirks giving it back.
"How did you put it in there!?" I say confused and annoyed.
"Swipe right, it asks for an emergency call, dialled my own number and bam your on my phone now!" He smirks showing off his phone.
"In that case I could just block you~" I smirk as he frowns.
"You won't do that." He says in a deep voice.
"Why not?" I say getting closer to him.
"Because you like it when I annoy you, and you love annoying me. So having my number only seems fair~" He smirks leaning on the wall standing next to me and looking at me with a intense glaze.
"You know I hate you right?" I say teasing him.
"I know, that's why I want to make your life a living nightmare." He smirks and I giggle.

"Oh and one more thing. I win this time." He smirks.
"Huh, How!?" I ask him confused.
"I have your number. That sounds good enough for a victory." He says shrugging his shoulders.
"Okay 4-2 then.." I sigh loudly he then starts walking away and once at the door he looks back at me.
"You coming?" He asks and I look at him confused and he signs irritated.
"Your friends are eating with the extras that I hang out with. We're going to the exact same spot so.." He explains giving me a 'you get it know?' look and continues. "You coming?" He asks once again and I nod following him in a hurry.

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