1 - A nameless girl

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Sinbad had been wandering through the bustling Contastia Harbor as usual, trying to find a job that would allow him to support his sick mother and pay for their expenses. He had been going around asking for odd jobs, anything that would earn him some coin. It was then that he stumbled upon a back alley he had never seen before.

As he turned the corner, he noticed something lying on the ground ahead of him. As he got closer, he realized it was a girl, around his age, lying motionless on the ground.
Sinbad's heart pounded as he approached her, fearing the worst. As he knelt beside her, he could see dried blood on her face and a wound on her head. He quickly checked for any other injuries and found none. He could feel his heart rate increasing, and he didn't know what to do next.

Thinking quickly, Sinbad pulled out his gourd and poured a trickle of water onto her lips. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes, revealing a stunning blue color, just like the waves of the ocean. She looked up at him, clearly dazed and confused.

"Are you in pain? Did you hurt yourself anywhere else?" he asked, concerned.

The girl slowly touched her head where the blood had come from and shook her head no. Sinbad let out a sigh of relief and got up, holding out his hand to help her up.

"I can't just leave a cute girl like you alone in this state" he said, smiling brightly at her.

The girl hesitated for a moment, looking at his hand and then at hers. But eventually, she reached out and took his hand, allowing him to gently pull her up to her feet.

"Thank you" she whispered softly, still looking dazed and disoriented.

Sinbad introduced himself, "My name is Sinbad. What's yours?"

She hesitated for a moment, looking like she was on the verge of tears. "I... I don't remember. I don't remember anything" she finally answered, her voice trembling.

Sinbad's heart sank as he watched her struggle to hold back her tears. He knew how hard it was to lose someone or something important, but to lose your entire identity... that was something else entirely. He smiled at her and asked:
"Would you like to come to my home? My mother is there, and she can help take care of your wound".

The girl hesitated for a moment, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings before nodding her head in agreement.

Sinbad held her hand gently and led her towards his home. The girl seemed hesitant and scared, but Sinbad reassured her that she can trust him.

They walked through the narrow streets of Contastia Harbor, heading to Tison Village. Sinbad told her a little about their home, how it was just the two of them since his father passed away.

As they approached his home, Sinbad turned to her and said, "This is where I live. It's not much, but it's home." The girl looked up at the small, modest house and nodded in approval. Sinbad opened the door and led her inside.

"Mom, I'm home!" Sinbad called out as they entered the house. A woman's voice responded from a corner of the room. As they walked in, the girl saw a black haired woman, sitting in a bed, looking tired and weak. The woman noticed her and asked, "Oh my, who's this girl?"

Sinbad led her to his mother. Her bed was in an alcove in the farthest wall from the entrance. "Mom, I found this girl in the street. She's hurt and doesn't remember anything. Can we help her?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

His mother smiled weakly at the girl. "Of course, bring her over here" she said, patting the bed next to her. Sinbad helped the girl sit down next to his mother and they began to examine her wound. His mother cleande the dried blood from her face and bandaged the injury.

"So, you don't remember anything ? Your name, what happened to you ?" she asked gently.

The girl shaked her head, "No..."

Sinbad's mother put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll take care of you. You can stay here with us until you remember who you are and find your family"

The girl looked at her with tears in her eyes, grateful for their kindness. "Thank you so much" she said softly.

Sinbad prepared a warm meal for them and they all sat down to eat together. As they ate, Sinbad and his mother introduced themselves to the girl to try to make her feel comfortable.

After dinner, Sinbad laid down some blankets in the room, not far from his mother's alcove. He gestured to them and told her to rest. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask" he said with a warm smile before heading to his own makeshift bed.

The girl watched him going to sleep, and laid down on her bed, but she couldn't sleep. She was thinking about Sinbad and his mother and how kind they have been to her. She was terrified by the emptiness of her memory. 

Who am I ? What should I do ? 

Her life did not make any sense. She began to shake, tears welling up in her eyes. 

A/N: And here's the first chapter ! Sorry it's short, I'm really not good at developing and writing long scenes. I'll try to improve myself ! Hope you'll enjoy this anyway !

Loved by Fate ? - Adventures of Sinbad [Sinbad x OC]Where stories live. Discover now