Moons & Stars

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This poem was written by me and my awesome friend across the water, though we were just messing around it actually turned into something pretty serious. It shows traits of our personalities and pretty much screenshots the epitome of our usual everyday conversations. I'm dedicating this to Unicorns & Rainbows.



Some Ducks are yellow, some Pigeons are black, I don't know where this rhyme is going & that's a fact.

Don't even ask where that came from lol

Facts can be true or misleading like the world news, but cars are fast and I wish I was up high like the moon.

But the problem with that is I only have a spoon, which will in no way help me reach the man up there anytime soon.

The man up there or the next door Scrooge? It's not even Christmas and I can feel the winter blues.

But that's okay cause its my favourite colour, & I'd do anything to see it snow in summer, even if Scrooge tries to ruin my day, I'll fight a good fight to make sure he pays.

He may not pay and so the fight will be lost, like a bad phone conversation, all will be lost.

But he'll learn to respect the ultimate boss (lady) that's right, she rule with doughnuts and cookies and reward the whole lot who stand by her side and never back down, have her interests at heart even when she's not around.

Interests are obtainable unlike ungodly expectations, the boss (lady) will stand down to her superior, which is her king, he knows what is best and god knows he tries, but whatever he does her expectations are raised sky high.

On the contrary her heart is set on what she believes she can claim, and her aim is to put those unbelievers to shame, she'll fight against all odds and conquer all her fear, and her "superior" will be her equal through blood sweat and tears.

A bloody battle it shall be, but beware fair princess, you will not fulfill these beliefs, fear isn't in the heart because all he knows is succeed.

Succeed he will, but all in due time when he recognises this woman as his partner in crime, they'll fight against the odds back to back arm in arm, chasing off all threats that deem them any harm.

Little does she know, he fights alone when crime runs a muck, fighting and killing all the big and bad evil doers, a baby sitter isn't needed, now run home to make supper and let a man do his work.

*Oh no he didn't*

This supper may be his last, for all he knows this Queen is over having to do his laundry, clean dirty clothes, so alas she makes a stand no husband no man, she'll make it in the world, alone if needs be, but a servant girl she won't commit her life to be.

To be with the King or not is the Queen's choice, as far as they were concerned, who was better at cleaning their son's boy shorts? A simple servant was never her role, a woman who became his wife is what she owned, commitment to the King began to fail, as his eyes shifted to another mistress.

Independence is what she sought and that was her gain, so she took her son never to be seen again, as for the mister a mistress was what he found though happiness was not likely to abound, but still he tarried in his goal to become King in hope that one day he would finally win.

Winning and losing is so very different, penguin's aren't even cute, but why should that matter.

Penguins are adorbs, cute & wadley, don't be a hater just cause my love for them is undeniably, legitimately 100% real.

Love is between two people not that of an animal, girls are cute and I find them adorable.

Guys can be cute, but Penguin's are more my thing, they don't talk back & for me that's a win.

*Hate to break the momentum but I have to be up in a few, so I'm gonna have to call it quits.*

Okay. Bye bye

Moons & Stars

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