Chapter 16

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Sorry for the long wait.. I've been stressed today. Boy troubles, "friend" problems. Ugh. High school is tough.

Also I may have been rewatching all the seasons of glee on Netflix.. 😁

"...W-what?" Connor asks, completely confused.

Joe swallows around the giant lump in his throat.

"I'm - I'm cheating on you," he says again.

Connor stands there in front of him, his gigantic smile completely wiped clean, and looks completely baffled.

"What?" he asks once more.

"I said I'm cheat-"

"I heard what you said!" Connor shouts, an action that attracts the attention of every single person in the hall.

Shrinking in on himself, Joe is still shocked that those words actually came out of his mouth. What the fuck happened to his brain to mouth filter? Did it get lost somewhere during the sex he had with Caspar last night before they fell asleep? Why the hell did he say that? He's completely ruined everything now.

"I'm so sorry," Joe says because he honestly doesn't know what else to say. What do you say after you admit something like that?

"Oh you're so - you're sorry? That's fucking great," Connor says with a shot of sarcasm. "What the hell, Joe? How long have you been ch - cheating?"

"Over two months," Joe admits. Oh okay, just tell him everything. Yeah. Sure. Why the hell not?

"Over two - are you fucking serious? You've been cheating on me for over two months and you just...I tell you that I love you, it's the last day of school, I don't know when I'm gonna see you again and you just decide to tell me all of this now?"

Everyone in the corridor has gone completely silent, soaking in all of this new information, and they stare at the couple in the middle of the hall with wide eyes and some have their hands over their mouths in shock.

"I couldn't - I couldn't say it back. I couldn't lie to you like that," Joe says miserably, trying not to cry because he really has ruined everything. Everyone knows now. Those not present in the hallway will surely be told by everyone present. This is a complete disaster.

"Oh, you couldn't lie and say you loved me back, but you could lie to me every single day for the past two months?" Connor asks in disbelief. "Very nice, Joe."

"I'm sorry," Joe says again for lack of a better rebuttal.

"With who?"


"Who have you been cheating on me with? I think I deserve to know, especially after all of this. Look around, Joe! You've turned our relationship into some kind of circus!" Connor yells, throwing his arms out to his side to gesture to the growing crowd of students and teachers.

It seems like even the teachers are too shocked to stop the inevitable fight.

Joe's gaze darts around, taking in the shocked faces of his classmates and he wants to die. He wants to crawl in a hole and die rather than deal with all of this. He shoves his hand into his pocket, feeling the cool, solid outer surface of Caspar's pocket watch in his hand as if its presence will somehow shield him from this onslaught.

"So who was it? Who made your dick so fucking hard, who was worth all of this? Do tell, because I'm dying to hear," Connor presses.

"It - it doesn't matter," Joe says, attempting to keep some semblance of secrecy. "It's happened and - and that's that."

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