Chapter 10 /part 1/

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Chapter 10 is long so I broke it into a few parts so I have two other chapters ready 😂😂

This is fluff fluff fluff!


"Will you fix my tie?" Caspar asks Friday evening.

Joe exits the bathroom, finally content with his hair and stands in front of Caspar. He undoes the knotted mess around Caspar's neck.

"You wear a tie to school every day," Joe comments. "This should be the easy part."

Caspar shrugs and lifts his head to allow Joe better access to his neck.

"Maybe I just wanted to see how good that new cologne smells on you."

"And maybe you shouldn't say things like that when we're supposed to meet our boyfriends in ten minutes," Joe says.

"Probably not."

Joe looks up from Caspar's tie to his face.

After what they've done, after every comment they've exchanged, Joe's never seen Caspar look so hopeful before. He's never seen that precise expression on his face, and most definitely not directed towards him.

Joe smiles and finishes tying a perfect knot. He straightens it before adjusting the lapels of Caspar's suit jacket.

"So what's the verdict?" Joe asks, tilting his neck.

Caspar steps closer and places his hands on Joe's shoulders, leaning in just far enough to brush his nose against the skin of Joe's neck. He breathes in deeply.

"You smell divine," Caspar whispers, exhaling warmly.

He doesn't take a step back as Joe expects him to. No. Caspar leans his head against Joe's shoulder and slides his hands, with just enough pressure, down Joe's back. Joe sighs into Caspar's gelled hair and wraps him up in his arms. They remain in that embrace for a long moment, neither willing to break away from the warmth of one another.

"Will you save me at least one dance tonight?" Caspar whispers into Joe's chest and Joe thinks his heart starts to beat just a little faster.

Joe holds him tighter, just for a second. "Of course."

Caspar nods once and pulls away.

If they don't hurry, they'll be late.

The Spring formal is held in a ballroom in one of the academic buildings on the West-Hill grounds. Usually the room is used for parent-teacher gatherings, otherwise known as an excuse for the staff and parents to drink too much champagne and boast about their children and particularly spectacular students. Tonight though, the room is drowning in silver, gold, and blue balloons and streamers. There's a long table covered in various punch bowls and tiny, finger sandwiches. The large ballroom is currently filled with every single West-Hill student. Plenty have brought their girlfriends, others found dates from their sister school, and a handful of male students have brought their boyfriends.

It's nice, Joe thinks, to be able to attend a school dance with a boy and not have to worry about being harassed or attacked.

"You look so hot," Connor whispers in his ear once they enter the room.

Joe blushes but shoves away his boyfriend's roaming hands.

"Please don't molest me in front of the entire student body," Joe says.

No promises," Connor replies.

"Punch?" Joe requests.

"Be right back."

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