Chapter 15

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Upon waking, the first thing Joe notices is that there's much more space for him to stretch out. The second is that the sheets are kind of cool. Both points can only mean that Caspar is up and hasn't been here next to him for at least a few long minutes.

Joe stretches, cringing at the way his muscles ache and relaxes back into bed.

"I'll tell him you want to see him when he gets up."

"I just need to-"

"He wasn't exactly happy with you last night, Connor. He'll come talk to you when he wants to."

The door slams and Joe opens his bleary eyes to see Caspar lock the door and turn around, two bottles of orange juice in hand. He pauses when he sees that Joe's awake.

"Um...he wanted to talk to you but I didn't think he should come in here and see you in my bed. I hope it's okay that I said-"

"It's okay," Joe assures him, sitting up to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.

The events of last night come rushing back into his mind full force, all at once, and something warm bubbles up inside his chest when Caspar sits down next to him and hands him a bottle of orange juice.

"We missed breakfast," Caspar explains. "But we still have the fruit and stuff from last night in the fridge."

"This is fine," Joe says with a smile, taking a drink.

Silence reigns for a long while and Caspar lifts a timid hand, as if unsure, and threads his fingers into Joe's messy hair.

"Last night..." Caspar begins but he stops and bites his lips together.

"Last night was wonderful," Joe admits, sliding an arm around Caspar's waist. "Thank you. For everything."

"When we said - when we said forever-"

"I wasn't lying," Joe says immediately. "I want you."

Caspar nods, looking deep in thought.

At that moment, Joe's afraid he only just imagined Caspar's words last night. I want it, too. I want forever with you. Or maybe Caspar had only said those things because Joe had said it during sex and he felt like he had to respond no matter what he really felt. Or maybe he was just being nice because it was Joe's birthday.

"Oh god," Joe breathes out loud. "You don't-"

"No!" Caspar says immediately, keeping firm hold of Joe's arm around his waist because Joe was about to slide it away. "No, Joe. I want you, too. I do. I'm just trying to think of what the hell we're going to do now."

Joe sighs in relief, body visibly relaxing. But Caspar's right. What exactly are they supposed to do now that they've realized they don't want to be with their respective boyfriends any longer?

"They're going to hate us," Joe states.

"Well obviously when we break up with them, we're not going to tell them we're breaking up with them so that we can be together."

"Right," Joe shakes his head, to rid himself of such confusion, as if for some reason he hadn't thought about that. "People break up all the time."

"Exactly. We just say that, you know, we're not interested anymore."

"That's kind of harsh."

"Well not in so many words," Caspar remedies. "We just say something like, you know, the feelings aren't there anymore. Or we could even own up to admitting that we might have feelings for someone else and we don't want to go on leading them on when we're unsure."

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