Chapter Four

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I decided it was time to update again. So hi there.

Smut warning. But is that really necessary. This whole book is basically smut. 😂
The incident at the movie theatre is never mentioned again. It's swept under the rug, forgotten, abandoned. Joe's not exactly happy about this fact, considering it seems like the type of thing that should be addressed in some form or fashion. Connor acts like it never happened. Joe supposes it's because they're back at West-Hill, their safe haven, and Connor doesn't want to taint the place he's put on such a pedestal with a discussion about hate and bigotry.

So they don't talk about it and they fuck instead.

"How was your day?" Caspar asks kindly when Joe steps into their room one evening.

"I got a blowjob in the library."

"How was it?"

"Oh, you know how the Dewey Decimal System gets me going."

Caspar snorts loudly and turns back to his homework. Joe shrugs his school bag off his shoulder and collapses onto his bed.

"It was...lacking, actually."


"Mmm. Not enough suction. There's probably a puddle of spit on the floor where we were standing."

"Classy," Caspar notes.

"I suppose we were in a hurry though. He can be forgiven."

"I'm sure you'll be eager enough the next time his mouth is on your dick."

"Most likely."

They fall into a comfortable, companionable silence. Joe's mind begins to wander.

Into dangerous territory.

He glances at Caspar, whose back is to him where he sits at his desk. His blazer is tossed on the back of his desk chair and Joe can see that his roommate is clad in only a pair of gym shorts and a tight, white t-shirt. His legs are tucked up under and...

Fuck, that shirt is far too tight across his back. Joe can see the muscles working in his shoulder as Caspar reaches over to flip the page of his textbook. Caspar turns his head to peer intently at the text. His profile is shadowed by the desk lamp, the only light on in the dorm room.

"Are you a top or a bottom?"

Oh my god. Oh my god, Joe thinks. Did he really just ask that? Out loud? To Caspar? Did he really - oh fuck. Fuck, why, why the hell - fuck.

Caspar pauses for a long moment before turning to Joe.

"I prefer to top. But I do enjoy bottoming as well. Why?"

Okay, the awesome part of this seriously awkward situation is the fact that Caspar answered his question. The shitty part of this seriously awkward situation is the fact that Joe has to come up with a reason for wanting to know this information without saying, "I keep imagining you in various sexual situations and sometimes I jerk off to these images in the shower."

Joe shrugs. "Just curious, I guess."

"Have you been...curious for a while?" Caspar wonders with a lift of his eyebrow.

"No," Joe lies smoothly. "We were just talking about sexual things and I started to wonder. I didn't mean to offend-"

"No that's - no, you didn't offend me. It was just a really random question. No offense taken."

Joe nods, though he isn't quite sure why, and turns his head to stare at the ceiling.

"And you?" Caspar prods. "Top or bottom?"

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