Romance 🧐🧐🧐😜...

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Gowri's POV....

It's been a month.. Everything is going well... Mynthu was joined in a new school here.... Appa was a trustee in that school and Mynthu was good at studies so she passed the exam....

I am actually feeling bad for the new generation kids who need to write exams for preschools too....

If they have to taught by the parents beforehand then what is the need of the school...... Just to give homework for the parents..... Yes parents that's how the present schools works they give homework which can only be done by the kids by the help of their parents or elders..... Why?????

It affects both parents and the kids mental health for sure....... Still we have to pay in lakhs as schoolfees.... Still I couldn't understand where all that money goes I know the private school teachers didn't get paid well for thier work.... Still have to put that much efforts compared to an Government school teacher who was earning good but didn't work as equal to it...... I won't blame anyone but majority is like that thats why parents prefer private school no matter how much the fee is.... I am not at all saying that private schools are best.... They have thier own cons..... They simply know how to manipulate and attract the parents we indian parents need scores not values...

So blaming the system alone is not all going to change anything when we didn't want to change ourselves....

Till the time we force our dreams on our children this won't change and dont dare to complain when you yourself at fault....

Because no matter a son in a family reached 23 years of age both the family and society will force them to take up the responsibility of the whole family.... Simply his lives for himself only till that age when his parents already forced him into something which he didn't liked but have to be just because it's thier parents dream he will lose that time to.....

For a girl it's even more tough..... In the past studying was  a dream even now many study and holds a degree and use it only to put it behind the name in the marriage invitation...

Yes many women are financially independent now and take thier own life decisions still many gets to hear this word... "Let her study nowadays no one is ready to marry a uneducated girl"...... Seriously I  heard this myself when someone was saying it directly into that girls face....

Many women choose higher studies not because they like it but to escape from the marriage....

The root cause stays in the beginning of a child's schooling itself.... When we as parents understand that first before the kids then the child will surely have a stress free life......

I truly hope that Mynthu won't face that in her future..... I have to make sure that she loves her life and prioritize living it over expecting the future...leaving the present....

Okay enough of serious discussion..... Let's come to the present...

Amma appa and kayal left to our house last week itself.... When Attha and mama said that they are leaving Mynthu couldn't take that..... She loves to be with her grandparents so asked them to stay here with us.... After long conversation they agreed.... Appa and amma will come here when ever they find time... Mama and Appa takes Mynthu to nearby park daily she loves to play there Rudra to comes to park in evening as appa and mama cant run behind this little energy house.... He loves spending time with Mynthu.. Even though she pulls his legs many times .... They make fun of each other... Trust me if Rudra Shiva and Mynthu were in same place then entertainment is guaranteed.... You can never stop laughing when they three are around..... Those two big boys become child when they were with her.......

shiva loves and captures each and every moment with his daughter.... She is too precious for him.... Last Saturday he even took her to office with him.... There was a video clip of her sleeping in his arms while he was attending an important meeting in online , he didn't wanted to disturb her sleep so he attended it like that.... Karthik took that video and send it to me......

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