His First (Unofficial) Day at School

Start from the beginning

Ricky: there's still a chance we could run into them in the hallways though *closes locker before grabbing Riah once more* you know what I just realized?

EJ: what is it? *asks as they both start walking*

Ricky: this is technically Riah's first day of school, and he's gonna spend it alongside his parents.

EJ laughed at Ricky's comment, which caused Riah to laugh as well even though he didn't know the reason for it, he just laughed because his dad was laughing. Ricky smiled at his son before looking back up at EJ.

Ricky: see you at lunch. *kisses him*

EJ: see you then *hands him the diaper bag* see you later Riah! *says in a goofy voice, causing more laughter from the baby*

Ricky couldn't help the smile that appeared in his face, and before he realized, EJ had kissed him this time before walking towards his first class. Ricky didn't waste anymore time and made his way towards his, where upon entering he had his classmates, or at least the ones present at that moment, looking at him for a bit as they whispered. This made him get worried for a bit, but decided to try and ignore them, but soon enough some of them walked towards him, which made Ricky wrap his arms protectively around Riah who was too busy smacking the desk with his hands.

Student 1: is that your little brother? *says the boy while pointing at Riah for a second*

Ricky: n-no, he's my son *says while keeping eye contact with the boy*

Student 2: your son?! *says a girl completely shocked, while Ricky nods* he's so adorable!! *coos at the sight of Riah, who looks at her confused* can I carry him?! *asks hopeful*

Ricky: sorry but he doesn't do well with strangers *says a bit more relaxed* Riah, say hi to my classmates *says softly looking at his son*

Right as he said that, Riah waved his hand, or at least the best he could do with some help from Ricky, to say hi causing everyone looking at them to let out an "awweeeee" before the teacher walked in. The teacher didn't question why Ricky had a baby since the principal and every teacher was informed of the situation, hoping that they'd help Ricky and EJ with any student that might have bad intentions towards them.

The first class went by easily, with Ricky occasionally looking at his son who tried to get his attention a few times before being distracted by a toy Ricky had pulled out from the diaper bag.

Just before the bell rang, Ricky covered Riah's ears since he didn't want him to get scared by it and start crying. As soon as it stopped, he quickly put his stuff in his backpack before walking out of the classroom while Riah kept looking around as he was fascinated by the school, which made Ricky chuckle a bit since he was used to the school by now.

Ricky: come on bud, only a few more classes before you get to spend time with your dad *says with a smile as he enters his next class*

The same process from the previous class repeated itself and this caused Ricky to feel even more relaxed about having his son with him. Eventually it was time for his last class before lunch, and as he remembered what it was, he got a bit excited to see what could happen, which normally wasn't the case with the class he was in.

Ricky: hey Mr. M *says with a smile*

Mazzara turned around with a frown at the way Ricky called him, but then he noticed the baby in his arms, who smiled upon seeing one of the people he's played with is there. Riah squealed happily as he recognized him and started to reach out for him to greet him the way he's used to, to which Mazzara complied and grabbed the baby from Ricky's hands knowing it was inevitable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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