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She felt her life flash before her eyes, she smiled at the good memories as another car swerved in theirs. She felt peaceful and loved next to her fiance.

After the situation escalated, the driver of the other car had passed on from drunk driving and Elijah was fine other than a few broken ribs.

He didn't need surgery but Rosie did. Everyone sat in the waiting feeling hopeless and Elijah's mother sat with him.

He looked emotionless staring at Rosie's engagement ring.

"She's going to be okay Elijah," Amelia said and Elijah looked up. His eyes were red and they stung from all the crying.

"You don't know that" Elijah replied coldly. He had lost all hope when Rosie's body couldn't stop palpitating.

The doctors were trying their best but they had no evidence that Rosie would survive the surgery.

"She's strong enough to pull through, I promise"

"Don't mom" Elijah blamed himself for taking his eyes off the road for two seconds. He should've protected her and instead, he hurt her.

"You know when your father died during surgery, I thought I was alone but there you were sitting beside me the whole time, family is what got me through Elijah" Amelia encouraged Elijah to take a look at all of the people here.

They cared just as much as he did for Rosies well being.

"What if she doesn't make it mom? she'll take a piece of me with her and I don't want to live on an Earth that she's not on," Elijah said squeezing the ring in his hand.

He wanted to hold her, kiss her, laugh with her and one thing he didn't want to do is bury her.

"Anyone by the name of Elijah Blackwell?" a nurse yelled and Elijah rushed towards her.

"That's me"

"Your fiance is out of surgery and she's okay, you can see her now," She said and Elijah made his way into Rosie's hospital room.

She looked peaceful when sleeping.
Elijah sat on the side of Rosie's bed and he held her hand

He let himself cry on her arm when the others gave him space.

"You scared the shit out of me Rose," Elijah said in between sniffles. He raised his head when she opened her eyes.


"Who are you?" Rosie asked moving away from him. Elijah felt his heart stop beating for a slipt second.

"Kidding," Rosie said laughing. Elijah let out a sigh of relief before taking her hands and kissing them.

"I hate you," Elijah said and Rosie let out some more pained laughs.

"You love me" Rosie said.

"Should've seen your face" she added.

"I'm just glad you're okay, I love you," Elijah said and Rosie smiled at him. She was beyond relieved that Elijah was okay.

"I love you too" Rosie was acutely aware that she had said those words. She realized that this was the first time she had said it.

Elijah was always patient and he didn't force anything which was why he was surprised to hear her say it. It was always him who said it.

Everyone came to a while later and wouldn't leave her side but what surprised her more was Ava with a gift basket in hand.

"Ava, what a nice surprise" Rosie lied through her teeth. She would prefer anyone over Ava to see at this very moment. Well, not anyone.

"Rosie, how are you doing?" Ava pretended to be concerned when she's been wishing that Rosie died from the crash and that wasn't surprising to Rosie.

"I'll live, so..." Rosie trailed off. The silence was loud and the awkwardness buzzed in the air. Rosie knew the only reason Ava was here was for publicity and Elijah.

After kissing Elijah, she's been all over the internet but it wasn't the right type of publicity someone might like.

She was getting dragged all over the internet when a new video got resurfaced of her pulling Elijah and kissing him.

He pushed her away in which caused her to fall to the ground.

It was very embarrassing from what Rosie read on the internet. Now Ava had to watch out for flour bombs and eggs.

"I got you a gift basket since you, unfortunately, survived" Ava lifted the basket and put it on Rosie's bed but the guards took it.

"Sorry, Elijah is very serious about my safety so anything given by fans has to be checked" Rosie mocked Ava as she gave the guard a dirty look.

"I'm not a fan" Ava replied.

"Oh right sorry, I figured since you hang around me like a fly and go after my man that you are" Rosie whispered smirking.

Ava got up from the chair and stormed out of Rosie's room. It was only then that Rosie winced by the pain. She didn't want Ava to see her looking weak.

"Hey, just saw Ava," Rocco said coming into Rosie's room. He and Serena had been hitting it off the past few days.

She wondered when they would announce that their dating. If Rosie knew anything, it was that Serena would never remotely tell her anything personal about her life.

Rocco must have been over her she was happy to hear that.

"Yeah, she brought a gift basket"

"Are you sure it's safe?" Rocco asked and Rosie laughed.

"No, I wouldn't be surprised if there were poison in there" Rosie replied.

Rocco stayed by her bedside and they talked about all kinds of stuff until Elijah showed.

They were getting along well but a void was still there.

Rosie knew that there was something else that split them up seven years ago and it wasn't because of her or Elijah pushing him away.

She could that every time Elijah tried his hardest not to look disgusted every time he saw Rocco.

Rosie would ask but it didn't feel right to do that.

She sat in silence as they greeted each other and had small talk but felt an overwhelming sense of hate from Elijah to Rocco.

She wondered if they would ever become friends again like Talia and Rosie.

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