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"Hey mom," Rosie said over the phone to her mother.

She was still lying in a bed because of the accident, only the bed was at home and not at the hospital.

The doctors said she could go home but she shouldn't overdo it. Elijah made sure that she didn't.

"Hi Rosie" Callie replied. She told her mother that was in a small car accident and that she shouldn't worry.

However, Rosie was finally telling her mother about Elijah.

"How's your leg?" Callie asked.

"It's fine"

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," Rosie said and she could tell that

Callie stopped in a split second with whatever she was doing.

"What is it?"

"So you know that boy Elijah from high school that I used to date right?" Rosie vaguely remembered coming clean to her mom about her secret boyfriend.

She wasn't allowed to date.

"I do why?"

"Well, he is sort of my boss and we developed feelings for each other again" Rosie stated.

"We've been dating for almost two years and he asked me to marry him" Rosie continued and there was a brief silence on the end of the line that she almost thought he mother had a heart attack.

She could hear something fall out of her mother's hand and onto the floor.

"And you're telling me this now?!" Callie yelled through the phone.

Rosie had to take the phone away from her ear because of how loud it was.

"You fucked up," Her subconscious said that was sitting at the edge of the bed.

Rosie scoffed and took the pillow from beside her and threw it at her. She disappeared.

"I know how you are against marriage and I was too scared to tell you mom" Rosie explained herself.

"When have I ever become scared to talk to?" Her mother replied.

There was a time where Rosie would tell Callie everything and the time she told her mother about her crippling depression.

Rosie actually had a real conversation with her mother but Callie told someone else about Rosie's problems, someone she hated.

She felt betrayed and vowed never to tell her mother about something so personal ever again.

Some things kids tell their parent should stay between them.

"I just didn't want you to dislike Elijah, he's a great guy and I'm happy" Rosie stated.

"Elijah? as in CEO Elijah Blackwell of Knox Corp. ? The one who promoted me?" Callie asked and Rosie raised her eyebrows.

She seemed to be overjoyed when she asked.

"Yes, that's him" Rosie replied and just now realized that the company was named after Elijah's father, Knox.

Rosie thought it was sweet that Elijah named the company after his father and she wondered how she only learned of this now.

"When's the wedding?" Callie asked.

"In a month, you're acting so weird" Rosie replied and Callie laughed.

"Marrying a rich man is different than marrying a poor man," Callie said.

"Don't be like those girls in movies who think they're so different because they want the guy and not the money, you can have him and money" Callie suggested.

Rosie laughed at her mother's enthusiasm.

Maybe she should have started the conversation like this "Hey mom I'm marrying a billionaire" and surely whatever fell on the floor earlier wouldn't have happened.

"Don't worry about people judging you either, the only people who have a problem with it is people who don't have money"

"Thanks for the advice" Rosie replied.

"How's the writing going?" Callie asked and Rosie did have the laptop in front of her but she couldn't write.

It was writer's block that kept her from writing.

"It's exhausting" Rosie replied, so many words to write and chapters to fill especially when you have no plot or exciting things to write for the reader to stay on their toes.

"You'll get there" Callie replied and they kept small talk for a while before Rosie hung up.

Elijah was in the study working and Rosie didn't want to bother him just to get her a cup of hot cocoa so she got out of the bed and slowly walked down the stairs.

It was challenging because of crutches but she made it only for Elijah to come running down the stairs to her aid.

"Busted" Rosie laughed and Elijah looked at her with a disappointed look.

"What are you doing?" Elijah asked.

"I'm getting hot cocoa"

"Why didn't you call me to get it for you, the bell is there for a reason," Elijah said taking the crutches away from Rosie and picking her up.

"You're being ridiculous, I'm well enough to get my own Cocoa and I didn't want to bother you," Rosie said as Elijah put her on the couch.

He walked over to the kettle and stood there in silence before looking up to Rosie.

"I'm never too busy for you" Elijah replied. Rosie sighed and tried to get up.

"Please sit down Rose you're hurt," Elijah said as Rosie tried to walk towards him without any help.

She made it but lost her footing and Elijah caught her just in time.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Elijah asked while wrapping his arms around Rosie's waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling.

"I just want to prove that I can do things on my own" Rosie replied kissing Elijah.

"It's okay to be weak or helpless Rose, just let me take care of you," Elijah told Rosie before putting her back on the couch.

Rosie pouted and crossed her arms.

She wasn't a child that needed to be taken care of and she was well enough on her own even the doctors agreed with her.

Rosie felt that Elijah forcing himself to take care of her when she clearly didn't need because he's feeling guilty for what happened.

He blamed himself for letting Rosie get hurt even though it wasn't his fault.

Elijah finished her hot cocoa and put it down on the table in front of her.

Rosie pulled Elijah down on the couch beside her before he could go back upstairs.

"Are you feeling guilty for what happened?" Rosie asked and Elijah had a look of disbelief.

"You think I'm feeling guilty just because I want to take care of you?" Elijah exclaimed.


"You're unbelievable"

"Why don't you just admit that you don't like to be taken care of?" Elijah yelled. Rosie was confused about why he got so worked up over nothing.


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