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Rosie assumed he was only helping her out of sympathy, but she was wrong. Rosie didn't fully realize the whole story.

"You don't have to-"

"Don't say anything," said Elijah, and he drove, but he didn't go home.

They instead stopped at an unknown spot. It looked so sacred and private that she felt compelled to look away. She almost thought Elijah would kill her.

Rosie asked, "Where are we?" Elijah didn't answer. Elijah slung his jacket around her shoulders.

"Do you trust me?" he asked, and he held out his hand to her.

As she looked at his hand, Rosie slowly reached out and touched it. She and he went to a spot that displayed the beautiful glistening stars that shone brightly above them.

The starry sky seemed almost surreal to her.

"I'm here" he whispered.

"I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to shout at, I'll listen when you talk and if you don't want to talk, I'll just listen to the sound of your heartbeat and know that whatever you're though will pass overtime," he said but all Rosie did was lay her head on his shoulder.

There was no doubt that what he said was true, and that's the problem.

"Do you ever feel like you are at the beginning of a race and your legs won't move no matter how hard you try?" Rosie asked Elijah.

He didn't move an inch with his hands in his pockets. By how still he sat, it almost resembled a mannequin.

"No" he replied.

"Because I'm already at the finishing line"

"Waiting" For a split second, Rosie stared at him with her magnetic brown eyes that seemed to represent neither the ocean nor the forest.

As society projected a standard image of what a human body should look like, she felt insecure about what color her eyes were. Inky, almost black, and full of depth, her eyes reminded her of freshly turned earth after rain.

Elijah's eyes were the same as hers, which is why it was so hard to get lost in the depths of it.

He waited for her to move. She wondered how long it would take her to get there. If she could get there at all.

Elijah always made it seem effortless to let go of things. Rosie envied him.

"You're going to have to wait a long time," Rosie said, and Elijah chuckled for the first time in a long time. It had been the same as she imagined it.

It wasn't that he was emotionless back then, in fact, he was kind and sweet at first.

Immediately after their break up, he changed into the same person who was sitting next to her.

Elijah responded, "Patience is not a problem for me.". He had very good self-control. She's never seen him being close to snapping.

Rosie acknowledged, "Cora found out that I've hated her for 7 years." Elijah said nothing. It was almost like he was holding his breath.

"Did you?"


"I think you hate the way she makes you feel," he told her as she lifted her head from Elijah's shoulder.

They locked gazes as if time stood still. At that moment Elijah sensed that Rosie could see the real him. The one she knew before everything that happened.

"What do you mean?" Rosie asked, thinking about the ridiculous comment he had just made. Rosie didn't hate the way Cora made her feel.


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