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"Since New Years is tomorrow I figured we should go out to Times Square to see the fireworks" Cora suggested.

Rosie didn't think that was a bad idea. She liked the fireworks. There was one problem.

"I'm working" Rosie stated and the Cora turned to her in shock. She's probably thinking about what kind of person works on public holidays.

She was an assistant to a very crabby person who has needs 24/7.

"Can't you ask Elijah for a day off?" Cora begged. She to thought it was ridiculous.

"I'll try" Rosie replied and she left her house to go to work.

She decided that she was going to stay in her home with Chris and Levi.

They were her friends and she grew a bond with them. She didn't waste any time and walked into Elijah's office.

"Morning can I ask you a question if you're not busy?" Rosie asked Elijah who was sighing papers. He seemed preoccupied.

"Go ahead"

"Can I have the day off tomorrow?" Rosie begged.


"Oh c'mon it's New Years don't you want to celebrate?" Rosie asked. Surely he'd want to celebrate a new year.

Celebrate that he lived a whole another year.

"Not really" Elijah responded. How can someone be so peculiar?

"Don't you want to see the fireworks?" Rosie suggested in a respectful manner.

He tensed up and that's when Rosie knew something was wrong.

"You haven't seen fireworks before have you?" Rosie inquired arching her eyebrow.

"Why don't you watch them with me?" Rosie suggested. She probably should have asked her friends but she's sure they won't mind.

"No thanks," he gave a blunt response. Rosie wondered how she would even get him to agree.

"Live a little" Rosie replied and Elijah finally looked up from his papers. He looked like he was still deciding.

"Go by yourself" Elijah replied sighing. He had agreed to let her get a day off but she was hoping he would accompany her.

He'll agree to anything but spending quality time with someone and Rosie knew that he would be all alone on New Years. She felt apologetic towards him.

Rosie thanked Elijah and left his office. She wanted to pester him more about going with her but decided not to.

The next day everyone was packed and ready to go. Cora, Serena, Anne, Rosie, Spencer went in Levi's car. Rocco, Levi, and Chris went in Rocco's car.

They wasted no time and were already in Times Square. There were shows and singing. It beautiful talent that Rosie had ever seen. She wished Elijah was there to witness this amazing show.

"Hey look who it is!" Serena shouted and Rosie turned around to find Elijah and Vann. She then turned to Spencer who's smile faded.

As happy as she was that Elijah came, she felt sorry for Spencer. Especially since she still loves Vann and she doesn't know if he's over Talia.

Luckily Rocco had to leave, he had to go home and deal with a family matter. She didn't want to witness another argument over nicknames again.

"You came," Rosie said to Elijah who looked like he didn't want to be there. She was more surprised that he came with someone who he had a past love triangle with.

"He didn't have a choice" Vann commented and walked over to Rosie. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

She wasn't sure why but it seemed to have an effect on two very important people.

"Did you do something to your hair?' Vann asked and Rosie was too stunned to speak. He was the first person to notice.

"Yeah I did" Rosie replied. She cut her hair slightly because her edges weren't growing properly. Vann was very attentive.

"It looks amazing, let's go" Vann complimented Rosie while pulling her away from everyone before she had a chance to process.

He was being a little too touchy kinda like Cora when she's drunk. Rosie assumed it was for a reason since he pulled her away from everyone's ears that could hear.

"Sorry I'm trying to make Spencer jealous" Vann admitted and that's when Rosie stepped back.

Making someone jealous doesn't have the effect that people want. It usually ends up with the person you're trying to make jealous have a mental breakdown at home alone in bed.

"You're being a dick Vann and that's not how you're going to get Spencer back" Rosie reprimanded Vann.

He had the right intentions but the delivery wasn't okay. Rosie wasn't sure about who Vann really liked and if her best friend ends up as a rebound, she wasn't going to stand for it.

"What am I supposed to do Rosie? she won't answer my texts"

"Try and act like you mean it" Rosie stated. Spencer was a sweet and understanding person which is why it was hard to see her sad like this.

He's hurting her more by sticking around and leading her on again.

"At least it's working for one of us" Vann replied and Rosie turned around to see Elijah's death glare pointed towards Vann who removed his arm from around Rosie.

She told herself not to believe it but when blunt jealously was out in the open by someone who practiced self-control for seven years, it was hard to ignore.

She pushed those thoughts at the back of her head and went over to the others.

Elijah hadn't said anything but she felt the tension radiating from his body.

She didn't mean too but the fireworks went off so suddenly that she accidentally jumped on top of Elijah.

He tumbled on the ground and Rosie landed on him.

She breathed down his neck with wide eyes while his face and lips were inches away from her.

If they weren't accompanied by friends and out in the open, Rosie would've taken a leap and kissed him even if it meant that he would push her away.

"You gonna get up?" Elijah politely asked and she felt her heartbeat loudly while her breathing was no longer steady.

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