🧂🫑 ECO Acrostic Poem 22🧂🫑

22 10 9

Day 22 Prompt: Society

Title: Twenty-Two

The stage is set, and the powers that be, think that all

We need is some more pageantry, to forget the need for food in our bellies, and seek too

Enthuse us with glittering carriages, whilst claiming they can't afford to put money in our pockets, and

Now they are wasting millions on pointless artistic similes, to create historical artefacts

That will adorn the walls in palaces, well beyond the likes of me and

You, the salt and pepper society of this dying world, that oil the wheels of industry, who


Those wittering politicians think should be happy and proud of the State

Who the hell do they think we are, for only those who are drowning in

Opulence would dare to think or say something like that aloud

Opulence would dare to think or say something like that aloud

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