😤 ECO Acrostic Poem 11 😤

27 10 10

Day 11 Prompt: Frustration

Title: Eleven

Environmentalists fill with frustration as the madness continues, because.

Low-life economists queue up to support continued pollution.

Each new habitat requires servicing and fashion is exhausting the Earth's.

Valuable resources, at unprecedented rates, ensuring.

Every gram of hydrocarbon is sewn to create intricate patterns, which flatter the figure and

New generations of tropical forests don't die of old age, to rot in the ground, and dress future generations.

Footnote: Thank you to those with heads full of frustration who are still sticking with the story, I'm unable to dress this subject up any prettier.

Footnote: Thank you to those with heads full of frustration who are still sticking with the story, I'm unable to dress this subject up any prettier

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