🧛🏽ECO Acrostic Poem 9 🧛🏽

34 11 10


For the unenlightened and ecologically bereft, we are not talking about Vampires and Werewolves, hopefully, the point will become obvious.

Day 9 Prompt: Construct

Title: Nine

No longer do the great rivers run clear, so no longer do they

Issue fresh waters into the sea, to balance the salinity.

No longer is the ozone layer an evolutionary construct because it can no longer protect the Earth from the Sun, as it did with great.

Efficiently, when it captured ninety-eight per cent of the sun's Ultraviolet rays, and it no longer protects our skin.

Efficiently, when it captured ninety-eight per cent of the sun's Ultraviolet rays, and it no longer protects our skin

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