The Final Judgement

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You woke with a small yawn. Despite how uncomfortable this bed was, you always seemed to sleep well with Edmond next to you. Though, said male was now gone. It's not like you weren't used to it. He probably had better things to be doing. It's not like he really slept anyways. All that mattered was that he'd be returning soon.

Truthfully you'd become a bit more clingy than you'd like to admit. You wanted nothing more than to lay in his arms all day...but, that wasn't an option. This was it. Today would be the final hall of judgement. You were, of course, tense as fuck. Everyday was a new threat. You never knew if you'd get out alive. But, you had faith. As long as Edmond was by your side you knew you could overcome anything.

You twiddled with the rim of your skirt. Now all you had to do was wait for him to come back from wherever he had wandered off to.


After about a good twenty minutes of waiting, you were starting to get anxious. The longest he'd ever really been away was no more than ten minutes. Alright, calm down. There's no need to freak out. He's probably on his way. You laid back, your head hitting the mattress. God, this was so boring. You were starting to feel like a real prisoner. If twenty minutes was making you crazy, you could only imagine the way Edmond felt. He'd been here for years, with little to no human contact. He really did have iron will...


You weren't sure how much time had passed now. You had reverted to counting holes in the ceiling, but your thoughts were starting to get the better of you. Why wasn't he back? What if he was hurt? What if he was trapped in a hall of judgement and couldn't get out? It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. This tower practically had a mind of its own. Anything could've happened.

You sat up. Maybe you should go after him... No! You shouldn't wander around by yourself. But...your so-called guide wasn't here. What else could you do? You tugged at your hair. He'd gone after you multiple times, so you should do the same. You stood up, heart pounding. You had a very bad feeling about this.

You've never known anyone to get the better of Edmond. If he was trapped in a hall of judgement, then this had to be quite the formidable foe. ...It didn't matter though. Edmond had always come after you.

Without a second thought, you walked out of the cell, making your way towards the final hall.

You trembled as you stood in front of the large door. Edmond was normally here to calm your nerves. You heaved out a sigh. No need to be afraid. Maybe it will be some place beautiful, just like last time...

You hesitantly reached for the knob, the door swinging open. You expected the usual bright light to shine, but that didn't happen...nothing happened. It was just a normal room. You slowly stepped inside. You didn't understand. Wasn't this supposed to be the final hall? You turned your head this way and that. This place was certainly bigger than any old cell, but the scenery hadn't changed one bit. It was still just a part of the dark and dreary tower.

You suddenly heard soft footsteps coming from behind you. You instantly turned your head towards the sound. To your relief, the white haired Avenger stepped out from the shadows. You let out a sigh. "Oh, Count, thank god! I was looking all over for you." He didn't respond, simply tilted his head a bit. "I know you don't like me to wander on my own, but I got worried. What's uh— what's going on? Why are you here?" You questioned.

He lowered his eyelids. "...I think you know."

You paused, letting out a confused giggle. "Um, what are you—

"Y/n. You know."

Your smile slowly faded, a wave of realization hitting you. Yes, you knew. It all made sense. This was planned ever since the very beginning. It was why he insisted on being nothing more than your guide. It was why he was so hesitant to get close to you. There was only one reason he was here, one reason the scenery hadn't changed...but, you refused to believe it. You hesitatingly shook your head. "This— This is a joke. This is a joke, right?" He didn't respond, simply stared. "Edmond, please tell me this is a joke!" You cried, feeling tears form in the corner of your eyes.

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