Is this a different world?

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You and Edmond stood before the large door. A gateway to the next hall of judgement. Heck, it might as well be to a different world. At least, that's what it felt like to you.

"Ready?" Edmond spoke up.

You gulped. "...As I'll ever be."

"Don't be afraid."

"...I'm not afraid."

He let out a small chuckle. "Alright, let's go." He opened up the door, a bright light beginning to shine. You closed your eyes, as if to shield them.

Eventually, the light faded, leaving you in a different location. You slowly opened your eyes, a worried type of expression on your face. These halls never failed to stress you out, but when you saw the scenery before you, you don't think you'd ever dropped your guard quicker.

You stared up in disbelief at the full moon shining so bright. The night sky was scattered with stars forming so many beautiful constellations. The surroundings were just as gorgeous. It was like some type of enchanted forest you would only read about in fairytales. Flowers bloomed just about everywhere through the green grass. The distant sounds of a small creek calmed your mind. Owls hooted and different critters chattered from the tree tops. You had never seen a place more beautiful. It was a world not yet fully corrupted by man.

You were far to distracted by the scenery to even look over at Edmond. If you did, perhaps you would've caught the distraught expression on his face. It was melancholy, yet somewhat absent. He too, was staring up at the full moon, but not in admiration. If anything, it was stressing him the fuck out. He'd spent so long in that prison tower...spent so long in isolation. He wasn't used to anything like this. He let out a short breath before subconsciously dusting off his sleeve, almost as if all his training of proper adequate was rushing back to him in one big wave.

It was the complete opposite of what you were feeling. Though, It only made sense things would turn out like this. You and Edmond viewed the world quite differently from each other.

Your eyebrows arched upwards, your expression softening. At Chaldea, the outside world was nothing but darkness. Everything and everyone had been destroyed. It was just a blizzard full of cold winds and unbearable temperatures.

This...this was the world you were fighting for.

You let out a breath, breaking the silence. "You know," You began, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. "I've spent so long in the darkness...that I've almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is." Truthfully, no one would understand that better than Edmond himself. He too, had been trapped away for such a long time.

You looked downwards, watching a few squirrels run across the field of flowers. A smile curved onto your lips as a butterfly flew right above your head. You let out a giggle, which finally seemed to break Edmond's constant gaze on the moon. He looked down at you sorrowfully, not quite understanding how you could be happy at a time like this. To him, a world outside meant selfish and distrusting people.

You were still to lost in a trance to even realize though. In fact, at this point, you practically forgot you were in a hall of judgement. You let out another giggle. How could a place this beautiful be bad? Without a second thought, you ran after the butterfly, dancing around the open field like a child. It seemed Edmond really did have reason to call you a little girl, but you couldn't help yourself. You hadn't been this relieved in such a long time.

The male simply watched you from under the shadow of the tree, his distraught expression never once faltering. Eventually, the butterfly flew to high for the eye to see, which lead you prancing back towards Edmond. You grabbed his hand with another giggle. "Don't you dance, Monsieur?"

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