Seeking Answers

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You and Avenger had made it through the second hall of judgement easy. The sin of lust. The lord had given you so much as a sideways glance and Avenger had practically ripped him apart. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Avenger was strong...really strong. You were making excellent progress.

The two of you were currently heading back to the starting cell. Avenger was somber as ever, but you couldn't seem to keep your mouth shut. He listened. He never once shut you up. Honestly, it was nice. You liked that about him. Even if he had no clue what you were talking about, he'd still listen, and respond in a calm manner.

"We make a great team, Count!" You gushed.

"Yes. I commend you on your brilliant moves." He replied somewhat dryly. You turned your head towards him, eyebrows raised. "...What's that look for?"

"I didn't even do anything. You ripped him apart before I could even give an order, remember?" You giggled.

He let out a small hum. "Yes, well, his was the sin of lust. If I had allowed him to exist any longer...well, I need not say what would've happened to you."

You gulped, glancing back at the ground. "Oh." He let out an almost mischievous sounding chuckle at your silence. "Heyyy, that's not funny..."

"Je suis désolé."

"Um, Count...I don't understand french." You admitted, before internally cursing yourself for not talking french in school.

"Yes. My apologies. It's just, this whole time you've been talking, and that finally got you to shut up."

You gave him a frown. "Really? Was that your goal this whole time? You could've just told me." You fake pouted.

"No, it's not that, Mistress. I didn't mind. I'm just not used to such...talkative company."

You sighed. "I see. Well, which hall is next? Do you know?"

"What's next, is for you to rest up." He replied, opening the door to the cell.

"Rest up? I'm not even tired." You disagreed, walking past him.

"Very well, maybe I wanna rest up."

A small sweat seemed to appear on your face. "...I'm sorry. I should've been more considerate."

He let out a small chuckle as he sat down on the rickety old bed. "Don't concern yourself with it."

You hesitantly sat down next to him, carefully watching as he pulled a cigarette pack from his pocket. He lit one up and inhaled deeply. It calmed him, you could tell he always felt a bit more relaxed after a smoke. You subconsciously leaned in closer, a somewhat skeptical look on your face.

He glanced down at you with a blank expression. "...What? You want one or something?"

"I've never actually smoked one of those before." He let out a small hum before placing the cigarette that had just been in his mouth directly between your lips. You felt your face heat up a bit. You really hadn't expected him to be so comfortable with you yet...let alone you be so comfortable with him. You really never had smoked a cigarette before, but you didn't wanna look dumb either. You did the first thing that came to mind, inhaling. As soon as you did, you instantly began to cough up a storm. "Wha- What the h-hell is in t-this thing!?" You hacked.


"Right." You sniffled, handing him back the cigarette. Deep down, you might've killed for a drag. Anything to make this place less miserable. After another moment, you cleared your throat. "So, how do I get back? I know last time I went back after clearing the first hall of judgement."

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