Unstoppable 🔞🔞

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Jisoo POV
Heeseung gave me a whole pep talk before he left about confidence and shit, it's cute and all but I ain't three yrs old 😑 anyway he told me to wear something sexy that screams 'I don't give a shit fight me bitches 💅💅'

He also did the whole gay voice lol but I know how to be savage, I just don't use that side unless necessary. I got changed and we drove to the press conference.........

I don't usually wear black but this was screaming bad bitch

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I don't usually wear black but this was screaming bad bitch. When we arrived at the press conference I walked out with my chin held high as I wore sunglasses to look yk like I give zero fooks.

We were met with Yujin and Jay 10 mins before "oh my wow Jisoo I didn't know you had this side to you" I lowered my sunglasses and pat Jay on the head "you don't know how harsh I can be" I smiled as he nudged Heeseung and whispered "you've got yourself a badass don't think you need to stress about this" I heard Heeseung chuckle as he joined me.

We sat at our seats as Heeseung held my hand for reassurance "I will do all the talking so don't worry" I smiled while shaking my head "no Heeseungie I will do all the talking, I've been in situations like this before I know how to handle myself but thank you for being soo considerate" he chuckled as he kissed my hand "your gonna be fire baby" I pecked his lips as the conference started.

After Heeseung stopped talking the questions started "Mrs Park are the rumours about you and Heeseung true" I smiled as I picked up the mic "I mean that is the point of this press conference but yes we are dating and have been for three months" the mans face became red from embarrassment as I took off my sunglasses and rested them on my head.

"Is it true that Mrs Park had sex with you to get the job" I sarcastically chuckled while answering the question for Heeseung "no only people who wish they were me believe that, I got this job based on my own hard work and even if I didn't get this job I was going to become a model at my sister Park Chaeryoungs company but with my own effort. There are no shortcuts in life is what my sister would always say to me and my brother, she always made us work for whatever we wanted and that is why I am the strong woman you see before you." Everyone started chatting as soon as I mentioned Chaeryoung being my sister, I knew that they would find that interesting.

"Didn't Mrs Park try to seduce Mr Jooyeon for her own pleasure?" I rolled my eyes and picked up the mic "and you believe that statement because I was the one with a ripped shirt and pinned to the wall cuz that's definitely how I would rape someone?"

Everyone started laughing at the idiotic reporter as I continued. "People always view the rich old man as innocent which is another reason women struggle to maintain a job, society shouldn't be judging people based on rumours. People like Jooyeon are the reason young girls futures are ruined, just because society can't support women in need of it. That's why me and Heeseung have chosen to support these young girls by making a partnership with Chaeryoung modelling agency" The crowd irrupted as I got up and led Heeseung to the car.

He started clapping "wah Park Jisoo your soo cool" he put up two thumbs as I blushed and pushed his forehead "shut up" he giggled and held my hand while driving off.

I was pleased with myself but completely forgot that I just made up a partnership with Chaeryoung who is going to murder me when she finds out 🤦‍♀️ oh well I'll just live in the moment for now.

When we got home I took off my shoes and was about to make dinner when Heeseung pulled me back and lightly pushed me on the wall.

He brought his face right next to mine as he nibbled my ear and whispered in a seductive voice "how about I give you a little treat tonight, just me pleasuring you" I giggled as I slapped his chest.

"Heeseungie don't tease me" he chuckled for a moment before turning fully serious as his beautiful globes stared right into mine.

"I was serious love, I want to give you a well done present" he lifted a brow waiting for my response, I smiled shyly and nodded.

As soon as he got my permission he grabbed my waist tightly as his lips crash on mine, our lips move in sync as he bit my bottom lips making me gasp as his tongue starts to explore every inch of my mouth.

I felt his tongue dominating as his hand leave my waist and onto my back as he unzips my top and pulls it off my body.

Edit: deleted smut cuz it weird writing smut ab Enhypen, I apologise for writing in the first place I was just a horny teen 🤮


One night stand *Heeseung ff*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat