Calls 📞

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Jisoo POV
I woke up and got ready for another long day with Heeseung 💀...............

As soon as I entered the building Yujin ran over to me squeezing the living shit outta me "Unnie I'm gonna die Oxygen please" she released me chuckling "aigoo my babies such a drama queen, I'm just soo happy to actually talk to you

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As soon as I entered the building Yujin ran over to me squeezing the living shit outta me "Unnie I'm gonna die Oxygen please" she released me chuckling "aigoo my babies such a drama queen, I'm just soo happy to actually talk to you. You were kinda occupied by Heeseung and Jake yesterday heh two men falling head over heels for ya" she nudged my arm and I just blushed lol.

Jay gave me some more files and set my computer up so I could go through Heeseungs documents and make some adjustments "there ya go so the meetings next month so be on time everyday so you can work with your man" I gave a 😑 face and slapped his arm "Yahhh Jay Oppa he's not my man stop shipping us he's my boss for Pete's sake" he giggled to himself and left me in peace.

I started working when I heard a knock, thinking it was the door I didn't look up "come in" nothing. I heard the knock again "I said come in" nothing. Third knock "for fucks sake I said come in" I looked up and went to the door to see no one there but Heeseung tapping on the glass.

I made an 'o' with my mouth as he chuckled to himself and pointed at the phone on my desk. I picked up "hel-" "Jisoo ya why did that take you soo long" I looked at him through the glass with a done expression "why do you think clever guy, I was doing my work."

"Well anyways I'm guessing Jay told you about next month so be here everyday for 6am till the meeting" my mouth dropped to the floor 6AM????? "Heeseung that's wayyyyy too early" I pouted while looking at him begging to change the time "aww soo cute but no meeting is only in a month and we need this partnership" I just nodded and hung up.

I completely forgot about the glass in between and slammed my head on my desk and screamed "LEE HEESEUNG I HATE YOU" I sat like that for a good 2 seconds until the phone rang again "waeeeeee" he chuckled and spoke in a deep but scary voice "my office now!" He hung up and glared at me through the glass.

I stood outside his office as I gulped and mentally prepared myself for his insanity, I knocked on the door and he signalled for me to enter. I walked in slowly yet cautiously as he sat there arms folded, I bowed and walked towards him "you called for me?" He kept a dead look and signalled for me to come closer so I came up to stand right in front of him.

He looked me up and down as he licked his lips, I ain't his meal keep ur crusty tongue to urself. He picked me up and sat me down on his desk as he stared right into my poor soul. "You know you look much better without clothes on" I hiccuped (it's what I do when I get nervous) at his deep seductive voice.

"Hheeseung we're at work" he chuckled to himself and got right in my face "what happened to Heeseungie? I liked when you call me that so please call me like that actually no you have to call me that" I was nervous as fukkkkkkk so I just sat there like at idiot.

"Anyways what time should I pick you up tonight?" I raised a brow confused as hell "for dinner you pabo, it's what you promised me yesterday" I facepalmed myself for coming to his rescue yesterday.

"I thought that was just words" he smirked at me "oh no Princess I was serious, I wanna get to know the woman who took my V card" my eyes became as big as the fuckin ocean "That was your first time??????" He nodded shyly.

"Oh my fuckin god Heeseung that was a shit first time" I couldn't fathom the fact that I was his first, I mean look at the dude he hot afffff. "Well maybe you can make my second time as though it was my first" I slapped his chest "Lee Heeseung stop flirting, I gotta go finish work and you can pick me up at 6pm" he smirked and nodded as I left his office.


One night stand *Heeseung ff*Where stories live. Discover now