First day with CEO Lee 💀

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Jisoo POV
Fuk why him. My one night stand. I broke out of my Heeshook state and decided it would be best to pretend to be clueless. "So Mr Lee where is my office and I'll get started with whatever's needed" he chuckled and rose from his seat.

"So we're playing stupid baby? Hmm okay well let me remind you" I stepped back as he approached me "Mr Lee it's not appropriate for you to call me baby, I'm your secretary" he smirked and kept walking towards me until my back hit the wall "oh really baby. What was it you were calling me yesterday? Daddy?" My breath hitched not expecting him to be soo upfront.

"I'm sorry sir but you must have mistaken me for someone else I don't-" before I could continue he slammed me on the wall. I tried to escape but he pinned my arms and stared into my soul, his face was inches away from mine as our lips brushed each others my heart was beating out of my chest.

He went past my face as I felt his hot breath on my ear "aww baby gurl lying is bad, I know you enjoyed every second of that night, I heard your screams" my breath stopped at his words as my cheeks flushed red. I looked up at him embarrassed af as he smirked and walked back to his desk.

"So your office is next door and the glass is see through so I can keep an eye on you. Jay will fill you in with everything else, he's waiting in your office" I bowed and was about to leave when he called me again.

"Oh and Jisoo, call me Heeseung, that is unless you want to stick with daddy" I didn't look at him but I knew he was smirking, my body shaking from nervousness I left for my office. Should I just quit? It's probably for the best, I mean what if he blackmails me with our one night stand. No no Jisoo you just got this job come on you can do this.

I walked into my office to be met with Heeseungs friend from yesterday, shit this is soo embarrassing 😳 "um Mr Jay heh I'm Park Jisoo, Mr Lees new secretary" and he turned to face me and as soon as we made eye contact he started laughing his arse off.

I just stood there dumbfounded 😑 "You done?" He looked up and gave one last laugh "yeah yeah sure. Huh what a coincidence Heeseungs girl is his new secretary haha" I stood there with a done expression "haha very funny yeah no I'm not his girl or any shit it was just a one night stand I was drunk" he shook his head as his smile never left his face.

"You know you were very needy last night ha, call me Jay I hope we can be friends" he put his hand out. I gave it a second and shook his hand "well maybe if you stop teasing we can be friends" he chuckled and led me to my desk.

"Here's the files please go through them and pass them onto Heeseung when your done. I'll be in my office down the hall if you need me" he gave a sweet smile and left. Maybe this won't be soo bad, I just need to keep talk with Heeseung to a minimum.

It had been an hour and I had gone through most the files when I heard a knock on my door. My head shot up as this bootiful mf entered my office.........

 My head shot up as this bootiful mf entered my office

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It's giving mafia vibes lol, oh shi did she I got up and bowed "oh no sit sit I just wanted to introduce myself, annyeonghaseyo I'm Yujin Heeseungs older sister, Jays my boyfriend" I facepalmed myself "ohhhhhh that makes sense hi I'm Jisoo new secretary. Um what brings you to my office?"

She smiled and engulfed me in a hug "aigoooo your soo cute, I'm happy to finally meet the girl my brothers had his eye on" I was bareeee confused 🫤 "do you know about me and Heeseung?" She chuckled and nodded "I'm soo sorry I was drunk as hell-" she shook her head and hugged me again "no no I'm just happy he's finally found someone who makes him smile" I nodded shyly.

We talked for another hour "well it was lovely meeting you and I hope we can be friends" I smiled "of course unnie. I'm happy to finally make friends with a girl, normally the stupid bitches judge me. I was bullied in school cuz I would get the attention of guys heh well that was everyone except ah no it doesn't matter anyways it's nice to finally have someone" she smiled and squeezed my arms "I will never hurt you don't worry anyways I'll be off bye" she left leaving me with a warm feeling. I'd never really experienced that kind of love from a woman except from my sister.


One night stand *Heeseung ff*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant