Wedding bells and misunderstandings 😡

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Jisoo POV
It was finally the day of Jay and Yujins wedding and I was with Yujin unnie helping her get ready as she was stressing out "Aish Jisooie what if he skips, what if all this is a mistake" I held her hands and looked her in the eye. 

"None of this is a mistake you two have been in love since forever, your perfect for each other and he loves you more than anyone" she gave a happy smile and hugged me "thank you Jisooie you've been the best sister ever." 

As we pulled away I gave a proud smile "well I cannot walk you down the isle looking like this, no lemme get ready and then you and Jay can become official" I winked as she laughed and I went to get ready.............

As we pulled away I gave a proud smile "well I cannot walk you down the isle looking like this, no lemme get ready and then you and Jay can become official" I winked as she laughed and I went to get ready

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I went to check if everything was set, the wedding was at a private beach it's what Yujin always wanted. Ni ki was the ring bearer, Sunoo the bridesmaid or man I guess, Heeseung best man and me best woman to Yujin walking her down the isle. 

Sunghoon, Chaeryoung, Jake and Jays parents were witnesses. I was checking on the cake when I felt two arms wrap around my waist as he whispered in my ear "you look absolutely gorgeous baby."

Heeseung turned me around to face him as he looked me up and down. He pulled me so our chests were touching and rested his head on mine "one day this will be you and me, you'll be walked down the isle as I watch your beauty walk to make our love unbreakable-" I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Heeseung please stop I can't do this anymore" he looked at me confused. "I love you soo much but marriage iii I can't, not now" a hurt look fell across his beautiful face

"Jisoo you don't want to get married to me?" I shook my head "do you not trust me enough? Do you only see us as a short time thing cuz I'm serious about us I love you" I rolled my eyes.

"Heeseung not everything's about you" I could see the tears form in his eyes "so what is it about? tell me" he reached out for my hand but I just stepped away "you don't understand" and with that I ran away, tears flowing down my cheeks.

I know I hurt him but he doesn't understand what I've been through. I don't want to ruin what we have but I'm not ready to talk about it yet. 

Everything was ready and it was time for me to lead Yujin down the isle, Sunoo walked ahead of us throwing petals everywhere as I walked behind with Yujin unnie. As I walked I could feel Heeseung staring at me but I chose to ignore him and give all my attention to Yujin and Jay after all it is there special day.

"Aish what if this was a mistake" I laughed at Yujin decision to doubt while walking down the isle "bit late don't you think?" she chuckled nervously so I decided to comfort her "Yujinnie your perfect and Jay loves you for you okay so dont doubt yourself" we made it to Jay and she turned around and hugged me "thank you Jisooie" I smiled and left the stand.

After the priest pronounced them life time partners Jay carried her down the isle screaming like an idiot "Yujin shi is my wifeeee let's gaurrrrrrrr" everyone was laughing and having a great time that we didn't realise the time. 

"Wow it's already 8pm time flies by when your having fun, how bout we go for drinks on me" everyone else said there goodbye as me, Heeseung, Yujin and Jay went to our favourite bbq and soju place.

We made it to the bbq restaurant and all sat down as the owner approached us "aigoo our fav couples are finally all becoming serious about their relationship. Congrats Yujin and Jay the cute newlyweds, hopefully Jisoo and Heeseung next." 

We just smiled awkwardly, the owners were a lovely old couple like my true parents, always fed me and my siblings when we were in need. "But whatever you want on the house" we all clapped as we ordered and waited. We ate our food and decided to take some shots of never have I ever.

Jay started "Never have I ever had a one night stand with my boss" I just glared at him and slapped his arm "yahhh Park Jongsong you can't target me" he just teased as I was the only one to take a shot. 

"Never have I ever fucked on the beach" I smiled at Yujins answer as she was the only one who knew. I took a shot as Jay and Heeseung just stared "wah Park Jisoo is a bad gyal who would have known" I chuckle and decided to explain to the stupid Jay.

"Yeah me and my ex basically fucked everywhere" we all laughed except Heeseung who just clenched his jaw. It was Heeseungs turn and I was curious what he would say "never have I ever kept secrets to my boyfriend." 

I rolled my eyes "Heeseung I didn't lie to you I just haven't told you everything" he scoffed and glared at me "Jisoo you say you want to be with me forever but you don't want to get married and when I ask why you just run away." 

I didn't want to ruin the night for Jay and Yujin so I stood up "I'm just going to go to the bathroom" they nodded as I walked off but I could hear Heeseung chase after me.

I was about to enter the bathroom when Heeseung turned me around and pinned me to the wall "Park Jisoo tell me what's bothering you, I love you soo much can't you see? I want you to be able to tell me all your problems I'll be here to solve them." 

I shook my head and looked up "Heeseung you don't want to know, I had a fucked up life" he pulled me into a hug "Sooya we can't build a strong relationship on secrets you have to be honest with me" I looked up and sighed. "Okay I'll tell you everything."


One night stand *Heeseung ff*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن