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Ami rises to the sound of a loud buzzing and her cell opening. Her body jerks to the sound. She is uncertain if she will ever get used to that sound. As everyone shuffles out of their cells, a guard walks in and shouts for roll call. All of the inmates stand in a tidied pack like usual, then disperse once roll call is over.

Ami looks around, seeing the typical groups flock together. Several of them look over at Ami and start whispering. Unfortunately, she walks off to try and find a place to hide from sight. Instead, she finds herself standing before Alison.

"You can't be scared of others," she says, "Otherwise they will attempt to take advantage of you."

"But," Ami says. However, Alison stops her.

"No. It doesn't matter what you're about to say, if you stand up for yourself, you will be much more respected. Besides, you have Burning Rose with you," she says, placing a hand on Ami's shoulder.

"If you say so," Ami says.

"You need to stop being so timid," she says. She walks next to her and looks around.

"What am I to do if they all come at me at once?" Ami says.

"Most of the time, the gangs stick to themselves. It's rare to see them sharing the same toy among each other," she says, "So you don't have to worry about that. But also, be prepared during showers." She slaps Ami's ass as she walks off, leaving Ami to gasp by herself.

After a short while, the guards come in to escort the inmates to breakfast. They all shuffle and huddle together with their groups as they talk and laugh. Unable to relax due to what Alison said, Ami jumps at every slight touch against anything. She knew by now that Alison always has some kind of plan boiling in her head and half the time it involves Ami. She found out quickly that it was Alison's objective to corrupt Ami and make her one of her goons. She begins to wonder just how long has Alison been doing this and how many of those poor girls were just like Ami.

She knew she was weak willed and skittish, but she had no idea how to change that. She did not want things to continue as they were, but she was not powerful enough to do anything. It was not like she was some kind of mastermind, capable of setting up an ingenious plan to shut Alison down, nor did she have the brute strength to do anything. She was just a typical frail girl.

She saw the inmates start to rise from the other side of the cafeteria. Knowing what was next, her heart started to beat harder. She tried to swallow the knot in her throat, but it remained. As she shuffled from the cafeteria, before she was even in the locker room, she felt as though everyone had their eyes on her, as though she were going to be made into a display for everyone to watch. Her torment would become their pleasure. The more she thought, the more sick she became.

Before her was the entrance of the locker rooms. As though there were some lube of barrier, she barely wanted to move through the threshold, but one of the guards scowled at her and demanded that she go in. Stepping inside, she saw the various girls in varying states of undress, like any other time before. She looks around for Alison, but she does not find her anywhere. She sees a few of the people affiliated with her, each minding their own business.

She starts to get undressed, hindered by constantly looking around to make sure no one is approaching her. She quickly pulls her shirt over her head, too scared to keep her eyes covered for any amount of time. As she takes her pants off, she keeps her rear end facing the lockers so she can keep an eye on anyone who may be coming. As she finishes undressing, she finds that she is one of the last in the locker rooms.

She enters the showers, already fogged from the multiple showers running at once. She feels as though she is burning inside, almost as though her skin will melt off of her bones. She continuously looks around, finding that as she gets closer to some showers, they are already taken. The more she looks around, the more she finds that the only showers that may be available are those near the corners of the room, the ones most hidden from sight. She cursed Alison in her mind, knowing she somehow set everything up in order for her to end up in a place with low visibility.

She knew that once she was showering and when the water calmed her nerves, Alison would approach. However, she could not simply stand in the middle of the room and do nothing. She would look far too suspicious and it is more than likely that Alison would not be afraid to simply do as she pleased in the middle of everyone. Reluctantly, Ami walked towards one of the corners. As she suspected, no one is close to the corner showers. She grit her teeth and turned the shower on. She looked back, but no one was there. She slowly started to wash herself, facing away from the showerhead.

Her heart continued to pound in her chest at a rate she thought was barely possible. She thought that at any moment she may end up dying from a heart attack. She took a deep breath and turned around to grab her soap. As she did so, she felt something touch her shoulder. Instinctively, she swung her arm back and it collided with something. When she looked back, she found who she thought she would.

"Well, that isn't a very pleasant greeting," Alison says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Ami says, her voice getting smaller.

"Perhaps you still need some discipline. Someone to tell you who runs things here," she says as she takes another step towards Ami. Her mind running wild and out of fear, Ami takes another swing at Alison. However, she feels her foot slip from under her as she falls back and her head hits the wall.

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