The Occasional Favor

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Ami sits on her bed and stares down at the inmates. As usual, they all talk to one another, play cards, and engage in other, sometimes illegal activities. As she looks around, she thinks about how she is relatively the only person who seems to be worried about anything she is doing. She ponders how these people can go about their days without thinking twice about what they have done.

She continues telling herself that she is not like them. She will never be like them. So carefree and dismissive of their actions. She cannot fathom the idea of doing something so heinous and not even flinching in remorse. It is gut wrenching. Then, she catches sight of Alison walking along. The most corrupt of them all in Ami's eyes.

She watches as Alison approaches a group of people with a soft smile and gentle eyes. Ami knows now that those eyes are anything but gentle. Those eyes are watching and reading everything, contemplating the next plan. Conjuring up a sweet smelling yet deadly poison. At the same time, Ami knows she cannot be reckless. She cannot simply turn back and say that she no longer wants to do things for Alison. She knows that if she were, she would be risking her life.

All Ami can do is glare daggers at Alison and hope that one of these imaginary daggers would somehow cause the end of Alison. She watches as Alison exchanges words with this group, then hands something off. Those eyes of hers see more than anyone knows.

After handing off a baggie of some goods, I part myself from the group of girls. From the corner of my eyes, I can see the new girl staring at me. I can feel her eyes on me. However, this is nothing new. All of them watch me, showering me in their gazes. They all fall from their high horse at some point. This one is only a matter of time.

As I walk over to Switch, several individuals start to make a path, avoiding being in my way. Some of them pull others away, but most all of them keep their eyes on me. I can feel tension and fear selling l building as I make my way across the floor. Once I reach Switch, I pull my hand back and smack her ass.

"What the hell?" She says, turning to see who it is, "Oh, God dammit. Alison you damn near got hit."

"What better way to make an appearance?" I say, my hand still groping her ass.

"Come on now, what's going on?" She says.

"Shouldn't it be obvious what I'm here for?" I say.

"Now?" She says.

"Please, it isn't like you've got anything better to do," I say.

"Alright, what's it going to be this time?"

"I believe you should know that."

"Seriously? Again?" She says.

"You already know once you get to that point you'll be all for it," I say.

"Yeah, yeah. Lead the way," she says. I start walking to the stairs that lead up to my cell. Switch follows behind me. Even though she speaks that way, I know she holds a very strong degree or respect for me.

Once I reach my cell, I step aside so Switch can come in. Without wasting any time, I grab one of the thin blankets and start fixing it to the walls to use as a curtain. As I turn around, I see Switch already half undressed, her ample breasts enticingly calling for me. Before she can grab the waistband of her pants, I walk over and grab her breast with enough strength to make her moan in both pleasure and pain.

"Hey, careful there," she says. Ignoring her plea, I continue to squeeze her breasts. She places her hands over mine, but does not try to remove them. I guide her to the bed and push her down onto it. Slowly, I slide my hands down her stomach and grab her pants, sliding them off. As expected, she has a trimmed bush around her pussy.

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