07 - Heeseung's Weed

Start from the beginning

Right where he belongs.

Sunoo loves getting invited to random people's parties.

He does get invited to parties by his schoolmates but he declines them to maintain his title of the School Sweetheart and to not damage his reputation as the student everyone adores.

This was not very 'Sweetheart' of him but hey, who are we to suppose? Not everyone has to be ideal

Sunoo has lived a pretty fucked up life he just covers up with his disgustingly sweet smile and his fake bubbly personality to hide the fact that he's deranged and mentally unstable, only Jungwon, Yuna, and Jake Hyung know about this side of him but he rarely shows it to others.

And his late afternoon cleaning sessions, and doing teachers' errands to earn extra credit? Everything he does is part of an act. He could care less about the extra credit and the rewards all he wanted was to look good in front of people. And his act was successful, janitors, security, and other staff members love him. Or maybe, they love the fake shit Sunoo put up to distract them from the fact he's the complete opposite of what he is in school.

On usual nights he'd dress up in provocative clothing with crop tops that you could see his nipples in, super short shorts that whenever he bend everyone would stare at and emphasized his slim waist for everyone to see, and different types of accessories from dog collars with bells to mouth gags hanging by his neck.

Call him a whore but it's not his fault for being like this.

It's his ex.

His ex made him feel like he was only born to be a sex symbol to others which has altered Sunoo's mindset.

He'd force him to wear lingerie and other sexual clothing or sometimes even butt-naked at the young age of 16 years old, he'd praise him and glorify his body alongside with a gun by the temple of his head cocked and ready to shoot if Sunoo decides to fight back or decline his touch

Sunoo had fought back multiple times but it always resulted in him choking him till he was dizzy and bruised or he'd reload his revolver with only 1 bullet. Like Russian Roulette, they'd take turns having the gun pointed at their heads without knowing if they'll die or not. His ex told him it was a way for them to show how much they love each other, by that he means taking a bullet to their brain to show how much they'd die for each other. Luckily, he survived this crazy practice his ex-boyfriend called romantic

Sunoo remembers holding in his tears while doing so because one squeak of his cries, is equivalent to being punched right in the gut. But what scarred him the most, was when his parents saw him in that condition.


"You called?" A 16-year-old Sunoo said in a quiet voice as he entered his boyfriend's room where he saw him sitting down on his bed with his revolver in his left hand

"What are you doing?"  Sunoo's anxiety began to rise at the sight of the gun he still hasn't gotten used to seeing despite the amount of time he's seen his boyfriend with the old revolver in his hands

"Don't worry babe, I'm only here for one thing" His boyfriend replied

"Imagine if I were sitting here with a gun forcing you to accept my apology" He added

His boyfriend had just recently whacked him hard outside of the Senior Building when Sunoo didn't want to participate in bringing him drugs from his dealer because the possibilities of absolute danger were high. But no matter how much he tried to tell him he couldn't, it always ended up with him getting beat. Sunoo has gotten tired of the bullshit and followed his boyfriend's commands.

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