Chapter 5 - Eye Contact

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Beomgyu and Yeonjun didn't talk much at school, instead of getting into a conversation, Beomgyu would take naps, during lunch he said he was just tired, escaping to the bathroom alone, telling Yeonjun to go ahead with the others.

Yeonjun did what his best friend told him, and he went to lunch with the rest of the group. They were surprised to see him and even more surprised that the other boy didn't tag along.

"What about Bam?" Taehyun asked, looking around, assuming he wouldn't be far behind.

"Bathroom, he said he's tired," Yeonjun said, a slight pout on his lips.

Everyone else got an awkward mood, the 'our best friends had a fight' kind.

"Did you two fight?" Karina input, making everyone's heads turn. Ningning even nudged her in the side, and they locked eyes, only for a few seconds.

"No." Yeonjun shut her down, though... his response wasn't very convincing to the others.

They tried changing subjects, Yeonjun picked at the school lunch, eating a few tiny bites here and there, everybody else talked about random things.

Then someone brought it up.

"Why doesn't Beomgyu hang around us as much?"

It was Soobin. He said it more out of concern and sadness.

Everybody went a bit quiet again.

"He doesn't like crowds..." Yeonjun said quickly, hoping they would move on, and, thankfully, they did.


Beomgyu sat in an empty stall, allowing his thoughts to take over.

It's been a few days since the kiss. Well, 2, to be exact, but he hasn't slept well because of it.

He's unable to make eye contact with his father because of it. When he tries to go to sleep, it's all he thinks about. He hasn't slept well.

He wants to get over it, but the fact that they are best friends makes it difficult for him. They're close, Yeonjun said friends kiss, but to him, it feels like that's not really true, I mean, he's never seen friends kiss each other, at least not the same gender."

He's too worried about it all, and it's taking over his mind. He's struggling to think about anything else.

'How can I get it off my mind?' Is what he wonders.

And then, someone walks into the bathroom.

Suddenly, his mind goes blank as the person stands right in front of the stall. He sees the familiar shoes and bites his lip hard, wanting to tap his feet to fidget, but he doesn't.

"Let's talk, open up, please," Yeonjun said after knocking softly on the stall door. When Beomgyu doesn't respond, he adds, "Unless you're really using the restroom, kinda stinks in here."

Beomgyu stood up and opened the door, Yeonjun stumbling as he was previously leaning against it.

They locked eyes for once in quite a while. Then again, Beomgyu is the only one who avoids it.

"What is it?" Beomgyu asks.

"Huh?" Yeonjun asks.

"You said let's talk...about what?"

"Oh, you, let's talk about you,"

Yeonjun entered the stall, closing the door behind him and locking it.

"Back up, and you'll fall," Yeonjun warned.

It's as if he could read Beomgyus mind.

"Anyways...what's on your mind? You aren't the restless type"

"Finals," Beomgyu said quickly.

"Really? Or are you thinking about the party?"

They both went silent for quite a while.

"You seem uncomfortable around me," Yeonjun admitted.

"A little"

Should he be glad or upset that Beomgyu didn't deny it? He wasn't sure what to think.

"Why? I can try to fix it. "

There are a lot of thoughts that go through Beoms head that he wants to say, but he chooses to stay quiet.

"If it's about what happened at the party I'm sorry, I'll forget about it if that's what you want, seriously, I'll forget about it, we won't ever have to talk about it" Yeonjun said quickly, raising his eyebrows, waiting for his response.

Beomgyu nodded. "That's probably the best...solution...let's forget about it,"

Yeonjun gulped before smiling softly, nodding back.

A/N : this is completely unrelated to the story but let's give a moment of silence for Moonbin who has sadly passed away April 19th, for me, yesterday, it's a tragic occurrence for all his friends, fans and especially his family. May he rest in peace for eternity.

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